- See what I masturbated to yesterday: http://t.co/7SyKZPNU #
- When wankers try to figure out how to get laid in clubs, they come up with bullshit studies like this one: http://t.co/uRiP4VF7 WITH VIDS! #
- I KNOW, right?!? @bmagnanti The "bad" dancer is way cooler . . . he keeps things simple and shows he has good rhythm! in reply to bmagnanti #
- @bmagnanti Ahhhhhh, your local perspective adds an additional layer of insight. DEFINITELY wankers. in reply to bmagnanti #
- 5 of 5 stars to Witches on the Road Tonight by Sheri Holman http://t.co/JOXm3oyx #
- My nudie pic of right now is a close-up of my cunt . . . PLUS BOOK "REVIEW"! http://t.co/VbfdBH1L #
- Look what @deliats is doing while I do nerd work: http://t.co/cXSSYUws SO CUTE! http://t.co/XoT75pE3 #
- 4 of 5 stars to Anthology of Japanese Literature by Donald Keene http://t.co/8e1BU7TD #
- FUCK YES ED HARRIS! (watching The Way Back (2010)) http://t.co/ifeDSpkI #
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