• You know you're not an artist when you draw a fucking TEARDROP upside-down. Unless the person's crying while doing a handstand, of course. #
  • WAIT A SECOND… that's not right either. FUCKING GRAVITY! #
  • Did you see @DeliaTS latest hot video montage & free pics here: http://t.co/auTDUtux ? Featuring @SavannahSly spanking Delia. 🙂 #
  • We just went out in the rain to shoot my NUDIE PIC OF THE DAY: http://t.co/LqSCQoFr (featuring my fave kind of sexy-mommy nightgown) #
  • Managed to run errands without compulsively buying & shoving in food that's really bad for me. Didn't eat "healthy" lunch, but not bad. #
  • I did NOT get pain au chocolat. I did NOT get McD's fries or burgers or nuggets. I did NOT get potato chips. I did NOT consume corn syrup. #
  • Fuuuuuuuck, making that list makes me feel so deprived and hungry! Didn't eat any noodles, pastry, anything fried . . . fuck me. #
  • Patting my webwhore self on the back for making my hair appointment to maintain my blondeness. AND making a $1500 credit card pmt. #
  • @MonkeyAxis CONGRATULATIONS!! I want to hear more about this development . . . in reply to MonkeyAxis #
  • You will NOT believe this: I called four different friends/cohorts/colleagues numbers today & TALKED, almost like a normal person! But not. #
  • Eating dinner, hoping to laugh at this: (watching The Big Year ) http://t.co/AAcNATEb #
  • Of course, I just LOVE all the great roles for women and non-white people! (it gets fucking OLD, doesn't it?) #
  • Ugh. Not even funny. (watching The Big Year ) http://t.co/WegKISY4 #
  • Gosh, it's so inspiring how women can be so encouraging & supportive of men's dreams! Thanks, Hollywood, & all you suckers who buy into it! #
  • Women's roles get to include ANGER when their husbands don't do enough to impregnated us/jeopardize our opportunity to breed in captivity! #
  • Sounds/feels like I need to dance or fuck or just take a hot scrubby shower. #
  • I confess: I'm a sucker, too. #
  • About to take a shower & spend some time reading . . . maybe dive in or at least download some @seedcake . . . #
  • Someday I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do and wonder why the fuck I spent so much time not doing it. #
  • Pic of my beautiful GF, @DeliaTS, live on cam: http://t.co/cXSSYUws http://t.co/KVBMHlub #
  • Just drew in 5 minutes, something I experienced today: Summer Rain, Just Sitting http://t.co/4Q5fJglp #
  • @UndressJess do it! @lightningallie just started it. She had us do them for a week & it was so fun & therapeutic I want to keep doing it. in reply to UndressJess #

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