• It's raining on this summer morning, so I'm dancing naked inside for my nudie pic of the day: http://t.co/eHOuhm8X #
  • Listening to Duran Duran, editing pictures. #
  • Sitting in parking lot, waiting a few minutes for my fart to dissipate before heading into bank. These are my precious stolen moments. #
  • Now I'm STILL in parking lot hiding from people I kinda know who just went in. I don't know how or want to do the casual "hello"s. #
  • Shit. I'm afraid to look up from phone for fear of accidental eye contact. So will be very difficult to know when they leave. #
  • One of them is actually a ginger I totally want to fuck. Don't know how to go about it. Deep desire to avoid awkwardness keeps me silent. #
  • They're probably gone now, but now I totally have to fart again. Plplplplplpl! I'm going to be out here all day at this rate! #
  • It's taking 3 sittings for us to finish, but this ep is so much fun! (watching The X-Files, Bad Blood S05E12) http://t.co/HwgxTY73 #
  • Just posted 207 new pics for members! Here's a taste: Flashing yellow cotton thong panties under my new summer dress. http://t.co/be6QVwTd #
  • I was going to read a lot today. But instead I worked a lot today. Now: to spend the witching hour reading or watch… http://t.co/a2taS1pY #

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