• Dear health care professionals: let's not grade individual health on an American curve where anything smaller than obese is A+++++++++ #
  • Yes. I know my calves & wrists are skinny. That doesn't mean I'm anorexic if I think having 34.5% body fat ALL IN MY TORSO is a problem! #
  • @UndressJess {{{{hugs}}}} it would be natural to cry for a lifetime over that. Seeing our parents in pain when we're kids is scary & sad. in reply to UndressJess #
  • It'd be awesome if we could love/celebrate/admire people of size WITHOUT hating on small or fit or thin people or saying they're not REAL. #
  • I grew up thinking (& being told) I was grotesque, ugly, sick & disgusting for being skinny. Trust me, I *wanted* to be "normal"/bigger. #
  • Feeling much much much much much better after reading some David Copperfield, taking rhodiola, & going for a 45 min walk & run w/ @DeliaTS . #
  • My nudie pic(s) of the day give you my measurements, bra size etc.: http://t.co/ODuBVWGa #
  • If you like seeing women pee in their panties, check out the latest video in our store: http://t.co/5BFGKl9g #

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