- Loving the blasphemous sex toon via @TheOnion – No One Murdered Because Of This Image http://t.co/HsZLZEqw #
- Still tired & coughing up phlegm after a week of this cold. Feel like using it as an excuse to stay in bed all day reading books. #
- .@DeliaTS is always keen to remind me there's a difference between DIRT and SOIL. #
- Anyhoo, my 1-night resistance to Fall is gone and I'm loving it now. So magical, thinking of all the crappy TV to watch in the months ahead. #
- Listening to Slayer, editing nearly PG-rated (except for the spread pussy shots) gal-next-door pics of me. #
- Time for a break before deciding which of these pictures to delete/not include in the gallery. #
- Just woke up from nap. Set alarm so I wouldn't sleep more than 90 minutes. Brain ignored alarm. http://t.co/Kk68NqnF #
- You can just make out spycams next to skylight in my loft: http://t.co/Vb0JvsOn #
- Aaaaand . . . its my nudie pic(s) of the day! http://t.co/ZQm2N74i #
- Weejus, my pussy wants to be beaten by a big pink ham-in-a-sock. Instead I'll comfort myself with chocolate covered almonds. In my mouth.
- Guess what color panties I'm wearing (sometimes) in the "Welcome Home" gallery I just posted for members! http://t.co/V1j9Hb6v #
- Thank you, @rocknrollcola ! in reply to rocknrollcola #
- Thanks for letting me beta test your new version of already-awesome Swift To-Do List, @Dextronet ! http://t.co/Wh2BonvE #
- OMG my partner @DeliaTS is gorgeously cute! And *YOU* can spend time with her live right now while I can't! http://t.co/kHGoefxX #
- Ooooh, @AmberLily – that sounds INTERESTING!
You are such a hard worker. Hope you are taking time for yourself. {{hugs}} in reply to AmberLily #
- Nope, @DARKSELF1 ! I do wish I had more pairs of red panties, though. in reply to DARKSELF1 #
- There's nothing better in the world than getting to be the one in bed with @deliats making her laugh & smile. For our whole lives.
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