• So it's just after 4 am and I'm sitting here and stuff, wearing dirty panties, scratching at my left tit. 04:04:05
  • Hmmm . . . when I try to log into Chase bank's website it tells me their server is too busy. 11:49:53
  • It boggles the mind how much SQUEAKING OF SHOES a single person can broadcast when fucking seated. OMG PLEASE HOLD STILL OR SIT ELSEWHERE! 16:50:02
  • I want to turn around & look to humanize the person so not just annoying sound-maker, but I know it would just seem rude to do so. 16:51:42
  • In a very. Dark. Restaurant…. Listening to booth of young ladies dropping f bombs & saying "shit" a lot. 20:01:35
  • What is this disturbing trend in hotel rooms of not having noisy fans – or any fans, for that matter – in the bathroom? NOT SO ROMANTIC. 21:45:43