- We just fucked. It was awesome. Now for what we call "Three Grease Noodles" 1) sesame oil, 2) bacon & 3) chili oil 00:30:12
- My nudie pic from yesterday isn't much to look at, but maybe you'll like reading the sex part: http://t.co/LSq0JIWTsD 21:05:04
- I'm dark while the moon is, but here's a post with pics anyway: http://t.co/8V0iNZ1gtJ 21:19:49
- And if that story made you excited, you can get a show with @DeliaTS RIGHT NOW & see exactly what I'm talking about! http://t.co/pojYeQJsFf 21:22:41
- Oops! She just logged out for a little break, but she'll be logging back in soon, so keep an eye on http://t.co/0j0O6t9kBk 21:30:47
- LMAO @SabrinaSwings Oh, fuck … you know she didn't ask my permission. I called @DeliaTS on the intercom when I caught her.
in reply to SabrinaSwings 21:40:14
- Oops . . . I just saw something in my timeline that made me slap myself for joking about that. And it felt good, so I slapped myself again. 21:41:39
- Because there is NOTHING FUNNIER than being a pimp who slaps herself. 21:42:08
- And now I need to take my pants off and lay down because all my waistbands are too tight & cutting off circulation to my butthole. 21:46:13
My Life Yesterday
May 10, 2013
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