- The icon I draw in my daily calendar for loose stool kind of looks like a tiny dreamcatcher. #poop 11:41:22
- GIDDY with secret-yet-public declared relationship status w/ @SabrinaSwings 😉 So blessed by all our years of friendship & her awesomeness. 13:33:45
- Just posted a curvy, creamy set of pics of me in opaque thigh high art nouveau-printed long socks for members. 13:54:15
- Thanks, @GMadira – camming gets put on the back burner for me to work on other projects quite a bit. Hope to get back in the swing of it! in reply to GMadira 15:44:32
- Delia said the funniest thing about this to her was … me. (watching Workaholics, The Business Tr… http://t.co/iInLgQUIoq #Workaholics 17:26:39
- I loooooove how he talks about food. #crushing (watching Aziz Ansari – Dangerously Delicious) http://t.co/bZMcoL4cxH 17:29:02
- Awesome = tiny EXTREMELY LOUD bird outside my open door & my face anointed w/oil after shower after exercise (TV stuff is from last night). 17:31:19
- RT @frankenstein007: Doing it again: starting way too many books at once – none of them the one I told myself that, yes, was DEFINITELY the… 17:31:56
- Making BOSS faces in my nudie pic of the day: http://t.co/CXawtnG2ka 19:27:49
- Boss Hogg, that is. 19:28:18
- It appears @DeliaTS does not agree with me that "Centerfield" is almost the same song as "La Bamba". 19:42:27
- @MaverickBull69 Oh my god, you're right – I look *exactly* like a cross between Boss Hogg and Roscoe. I hope that's worth money somewhere. in reply to MaverickBull69 19:43:51
- If one more person who is NOT my boyfriend messages me on facebook, I'm going to freak out! ONLY MY BOYFRIEND is supposed to do that! ;)~ 19:45:36
- Apparently I'm trying to determine how many obnoxious personalities I can channel on Twitter in one long Saturday night. 19:46:26
- LMAO @MaverickBull69 . . . ohhhhhhh wait – you're making a beaver joke?!? LMAO twice. in reply to MaverickBull69 20:10:09
- I wonder if @DeliaTS still wants me to leave her alone. She said "for a little while". How long does that mean? Is a little while over yet?? 20:12:36
- Fortunately I just thought of a really great reason to interrupt her . . . 20:14:21
- THIS IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (watching Hemlock Grove, The Angel S01E02) http://t.co/gymEV31koq #HemlockGrove 23:32:44
- Making playlist called "Mommy Wants to Fuck". 23:40:45
My Life Yesterday
June 2, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
My Life Yesterday
June 1, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- It sounds like a ship has run aground right next to our house. 10:17:05
- LOL @GMadira – if a ship truly had magically run aground here, I'd *totally* have run out and snapped pics! I think it was a street sweeper. in reply to GMadira 10:50:01
- RT @NaturesBabes: Me luv them long time #FF @tastytrixie, @SaRennaLee, @Sam38G, @Alicia_Loren, @Sabina_Leigh, @JoclynStone, @chloevevrier &… 10:50:22
- Blackberry Hut day #2 good omen: #dragonfly http://t.co/Z4BpX9uMZc 11:13:58
- Though may be a bad omen that her thorax looks all chewed up. Hmmm . . . 11:19:21
- My outdoor nudie pic of the day & stuff about anxiety & picture-taking: http://t.co/1HdpVenZLL 13:56:44
- RT @melissagira: Through Mon, get COMING & CRYING (my anthology of real-life sex stories from 24 writers) ebook on sale for $5: http://t.co… 13:58:02
- Keep reminding me that my body knows how to take care of itself when I fall – I don't need to plan for it with my conscious mind. 13:58:52
- Slogging (happily but slowly) through domains for development so I can respond to @LightningAllie chomping at the bit to help me! 17:51:37
- RT @LightningAllie: Pretty proud of this hot voyeur vid I shot. So much appreciation for the hottest clients ever. http://t.co/biLzn8HyWN @… 17:52:00
- Delia said the funniest thing about this to her was … me. (watching Workaholics, The Business Tr… http://t.co/jfuZk1mjj6 #Workaholics 20:47:00