- Huckleberries https://t.co/X2m50UiJjr 14:14:02
- RT @DeliaTS: Just posted some cute and sexy pictures in my blog. Check it out! – http://t.co/hxuQi0ddmS 17:54:14
- I’m about to have a snack & fall asleep, but first, PRECIOUS (boring?) MOMENTS IN TRIXIELAND: http://t.co/h2PCvWfE67 19:16:33
- Writing emails to family, friends, and fans all pretty much fucking exhausts me. 19:17:02
- ZOMG – Google real-time analytics SO FUCKING ADDICTIVE / COMPELLING / OBSESSION-INDUCING. 20:44:51
- Those realtime stats got me super fired up & back in front of computer working. . . and up way too late for our early start / trip tomorrow. 01:18:11
My Life on July 1st
July 2, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment