- I suppose there are worse songs to have playing on insistent repeat in your head than "Dona Nobis Pacem". 10:06:03
- Ok, dude in silver truck waving at me. I don't know who you are & am not pulling over to chat with you. Today. 12:38:07
- RT @BuckAngel: My mom knows I make porn and doesn't care why do some of you! 13:05:58
- @Pulp2105 It's ok – I hope you understand what the problem was/is (no need to delete your account – thanks for changing your avatar). in reply to Pulp2105 13:07:01
- Beautiful bitchy tragedy queen camgirl Nina has so many ways about her that remind me of Christina Hendricks: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:12:48
- Seriously – she's reaming people out & banning them now – most awesome free show/entertainment ever: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:13:12
- NOTE: *do not* troll my fave camgirls just to get a reaction or I will hate your guts forever. FYI. Plenty of trolls without adding to pop. 13:14:38
- "Why do you talk to us like we're LITTLE GIRLS? Nevermind. I'm talking to FUCKING IDIOTS." says Nina: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:17:13
- "Is that why no one will marry me? Because I'm 'the hottest chick on this site'? I *so* would rather be ugly." http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:18:57
- "I'm racist against men. I won't do business with men if I can help it." Another gem from Nina: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:20:05
- "I'm chubby. Chub-BayBayBay!" "$2 a minute?!? Bitch?!? This isn't 1995!" I <3 Nina: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:22:34
- Talent so often comes in a package called crazy. 13:32:59
- "Do you not fucking understand? I don't have cynicism I have REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. ALL the guys are the WRONG guys." http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 13:49:30
- I miss the days when blogs were simply designed in reverse chronology so you could JUST READ THE FUCKING THINGS! Fuck your stupid thumbs!! 18:20:30
- "There is so much in life to look forward to, & owning a giant kitchen & sprawling hardwood floors … has nothing to do with it." – @dooce 18:39:11
- Camgirls: feel like we get ALL THE TROLLS? Read comments on http://t.co/j8bXhnipvS & feel LUCKY you don't have those cunts to deal with! 18:47:21
My Life Yesterday
July 7, 2013
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