• I'm excited to spend time with @DeliaTS in our teeny Seattle apartment where sleeping alone for great sleep isn't even an option. 00:31:15
  • Moth https://t.co/T6bwCnvQ89 01:30:23
  • More of my moth bedfellow. https://t.co/KJz7KSm8H1 01:34:03
  • Moths used to freak me out, but I'm glad I magically got over that. I'm kind of into them now. Like jazz & poetry. And mayonnaise. 01:43:38
  • Me, making a HIDEOUS face in my nudie pic yesterday (plus BUGS!) http://t.co/XEpLrlZYVq 12:38:31
  • RT @zomboy666: If you don't like Prince, you just don't like music, full stop. Them's the rules. 12:38:40
  • I cannot bear to mow the lawn and get rid of all that clover the bees are enjoying so much. 13:04:06
  • RT @rickygervais: And finally thank you to the 60 or 70 tribute/fake/spoof/mental Ricky Gervais accounts. Very flattered. Not scary at all.… 13:04:33
  • My stream of consciousness is totally fucking manic. The rest of me & realtime cannot keep up. 13:09:15
  • First ripe warm blackcaps of summer: http://t.co/YjzBt4NHAw 13:34:42
  • New (& reclaimed from storage) stuff for our new lil 2nd home in the city! https://t.co/Op8mmZilea 17:29:17
  • I do love alliteration, @LazerBlast2k13 – thanks! in reply to LazerBlast2k13 17:57:08
  • Ugh, people on OKC who think nuclear war sounds EXCITING!!! But a woman who's slept with 100 or more people is a BAD PERSON. GFY, mofos. 19:10:43
  • Yes, I am working on getting the BBC for you, folks. Ummmm . . . and for me. 😉 19:19:58
  • RT @yeahok: i ate a bunch of potato chips and i regret everything about this horrible country 19:20:11
  • RT @spyonus: Cabin cam machine keeps freaking out w/the HD & 3rd cam, but I keep trying; just moved it into hanging basket / they're back u… 19:53:27
  • Thank you, folks, who respond to our various questionnaires – you are enlightening, inspiring, interesting and supportive! 22:11:26