- A beautiful moth inside … the sound of thunder out. http://t.co/RYNkxiHweV 02:11:24
- Woke up to a green one: http://t.co/UMauhvzhpA 09:22:47
- Happy I started the day off the way I intend to always: bfast outside, brain-dump, mindful to-do making … & warm-up & stretch w/@DeliaTS 12:37:15
- This totally tickles me pink: http://t.co/OHTWzPUXCe 14:13:18
- This RIGHT NOW might very well be the last chance you get to enjoy @DeliaTS live on cam until next week: http://t.co/cvcARnBMeb 15:18:26
- RT @MANX38: @cjwerleman if I'm on an elevator and a white male 18-35 gets on I ask them if they are a meth head,serial killer,or wall stree… 23:16:44
- RT @emberreigns: Of course I will lick my own pussy while double fisting my anus while deepthroating my toy and scream ur name & solve worl… 23:18:38
- Just got into a hostile staredown with a douchebag in the ferry line practically sitting on our fender, smoking, dropping f-bombs, etc. 23:28:16
- I won the staredown, by the way. He didn't look away but got antsy enough he had to shrug his shoulders and do the "What?!?!" 23:31:03
- I'm such a winner that I did BOTH,@frankenstein007 !! Hahahaha! in reply to frankenstein007 23:32:17
- @frankenstein007 lol – you won't believe this, but I've never watched more than 3 minutes of Grease. Enough to know it needs MORE RIZZO. in reply to frankenstein007 23:37:36
- Of course the asshole is driving a Range Rover. OF COURSE. And wearing a sharp Brazilian-waxed pube Mohawk on his tan chin. 23:39:37
- I asked @deliats to confirm my win of the staredown. NO ANSWER. I asked again. She simply stated "you're just like your mom." 23:45:22
- @frankenstein007 yeah, I would love to meet her & Bernadette Peters on a dark, sexy alley some dreamy night. in reply to frankenstein007 23:50:42
My Life Yesterday
July 18, 2013
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