- Do this: lay off 90% of "homeland security" goons & process all rape test kits & hire folks to keep better tabs on sex offenders, please. 10:48:04
- "Who else wants a trip to banned camp?" says Nina, live on cam: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 11:13:39
- Her delivery is better than any scripted actress could ever perform. Her voice like abusive cynical steel & honey: http://t.co/INulQRUmoR 11:15:30
- And man . . . the PTDS revenge she dishes out is . . . I don't know, just incredibly thrilling and satisfying and EXTREME. 11:19:12
- I'm not saying she's perfect . . . what I'm saying is she's important, rare, entertaining and a brilliant crazy-ass gift. 11:22:27
- She's a scary beautiful righteous fucking street preacher with big fucking tits who will make you feel LIKE SHIT for paying to see them. 11:23:42
- I know! I need to promote less controversial / more user-friendly webwhores but she fucking FASCINATES me. Makes me wince in a good way. 11:25:17
- Oops! PTSD, not PTDS – – – hahahahaha. 11:29:13
- What she labels as abuse and/or taking advantage is almost EVERYTHING, @NaturesBabes – it's hilarious & off-putting, with flashes of radfem in reply to NaturesBabes 12:19:05
- RT @mistressmatisse: The Des Moines police are so compassionate about the poor #sexworkers that they are ARRESTING. It's touching, really. … 16:31:01
- RT @AmberLily: Silk Spectre cleavage bb. http://t.co/dwlHHZCQT9 17:19:34
- RT @tgirl_passion: WOW beautiful veiny cock on @DeliaTS http://t.co/LqlTDuirty 17:20:29
- Heading home with @Deliats https://t.co/v5jmpYifP7 17:54:28
- I feel like I'm stealing from you if I promote you with TrixieCams instead of CamModels links, @AmberLily – should I just get over that? in reply to AmberLily 21:16:38
- Just got home from the Seattle pad and reconnected our lifecams that crapped out in our absence. 21:19:01
- Now? Time for some cheesy noodles & TV (barely watched in Seattle) and hit the bong (didn't smoke at all there – didn't miss it, BUT). 21:23:25
My Life Yesterday
July 22, 2013
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