- And you already know I'm intrigued by train wrecks, right @AmberLily ? >**Intriguing TRAIN WRECKS**< in reply to AmberLily 00:14:46
- My mom: on FB telling folks who talk about walking w/God maybe that's why so many kids are abused & killed cus he's busy. & to unfriend her. 00:20:03
- Actually, she called them fanatics & basically told them to STFU. She only has 20 friends so … yeah. My mom will just cut you up. 00:21:59
- @Sirius7dk It's always a mistake, isn't it? I was just reading reviews of strip clubs and reported one as abusive then saw 232 more/worse. in reply to Sirius7dk 00:57:59
- LOL @BOBCATGIRL well, we missed Desiree.
Hope to take that vanity off your hands on our way home next time – THANK YOU for housing it! in reply to BOBCATGIRL 01:22:08
- Why is it so hard for me to step away from the computer at night when 75% of what I see online HURTS? 01:27:25
- I thought the stripper reviews were horrid, but then I read a woman extensively, repeatedly & very personally cut down & abuse my WW friend. 01:29:44
- WOMEN: don't count on other women being on your team; they can take cruelty & dehumanization to the most penetrating heart-sickening levels. 01:32:15
- LOL @BOBCATGIRL in reply to BOBCATGIRL 02:03:42
- @BOBCATGIRL can I guess with my fingers?
in reply to BOBCATGIRL 02:04:40
- Like I'm The Little Caboose who went off the rails & was left behind by The Little Engine Who Could steaming up the mount, @MaverickBull69? in reply to MaverickBull69 02:09:48
- @Langston_Hers what I want to know: did it ever exist? I mean of course it did to the extent it still does, but on a truly broad spectrum? in reply to Langston_Hers 02:21:18
- @akagi68 I know, right? I needed to masturbate errrrrr … for my phone to charge up so I could set my alarm. in reply to akagi68 02:24:14
- RT @Big_Darth: Have any UK customers? Looks like they're going full nanny state and imposing nationwide porn filters for all homes. http:/… 18:28:44
My Life Yesterday
July 23, 2013
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