- I could tell you have great taste, @wjoost ! @DeliaTS in reply to wjoost 00:00:29
- Oh yeah! I have a new persona thanks to imaginative meanderings with @DeliaTS & @BOBCATGIRL : you can call me Captain Cunteye (CuntAye?) 00:50:37
- RT @misogyny_online: If you receive abuse, it is your choice how to proceed. You are under no obligation to set an example; or to be strong… 08:51:54
- RT @DeliaTS: I think all you guys who have been requesting to see me bottoming with a guy are going to be VERY happy
- "Every single night's a fight with my brain . . . I just wanna feel EVERYTHING" – you know, Fionna Apple. You KNOW. 16:12:51
- RT @spyonus: We have to cancel tonight's & tomorrow's shows – too much unanticipated stuff going on & too few people to appreciate us holid… 16:42:09
- RT @spyonus: Thanks for those who kept @TastyTrixie company during her overtime show this morning & @DeliaTS right after, though! 16:42:15
- Some people might be happy to lose their appetite for food, but my decreased appetite is really kind of confusing & freaking me out. 17:16:43
- RT @DeliaTS: Yesterday I got fucked by a gorgeous boy then had hot sex with @tastytrixie & today I had a dou session w/the divine @Mistress… 18:15:30
- RT @titsandsass: Pole Dancing Doesn't Make You A Stripper, Twerking Doesn't Make You Black @thefoxyone1, @katsnacks, @susanelizabeth http:/… 18:33:12
- Restraining myself from making dramatically selfish & probably counter-productive love-plea phone calls to my boyfriend. 21:32:25
- What the HELL you guys … What happened to my bra? I was just wearing it on my head and now it's nowhere to be found. 21:42:29
My Life Yesterday
August 31, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
My Life Yesterday
August 30, 2013
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- Soooooo excited about shooting @DeliaTS & special guest today for http://t.co/BpmOH8Lpxv – nervous, too. Hope I capture the awesome right! 09:53:28
- Oh man please help me not fuck up. 11:19:44
- My pussy is so fucking wet shooting @DeliaTS getting spanked and fucked. 13:35:30
- You all hate emails with dick pics, but I hate emails that say HI HOW ARE YOU. I'd Rather see a wheelbarrow full of dick pics in my box. 22:06:22
- Just enjoyed a much-needed fuck & orgasm with @DeliaTS – it's been a very stimulating day/week. 23:42:47
My Life Yesterday
August 29, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Last night. http://t.co/TKBJfXVGnS 12:08:10
- My top priority must simply be to have a healthy bowel movement every day. Without laying that daily brown foundation, my life sucks. 12:44:24
My Life Yesterday
August 28, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Me, to @DeliaTS : Do I smell like a period? Her: No; you smell like a question mark. 13:13:25
- You know about my daily camera-phone nudie pics on my blog? http://t.co/vrKEen5vJ8 Not fancy porn pics, just regular life captures. 13:16:39
- I aim to take & post simple nudes every day, but let us off the hook one or two days a week the way normal working stiffs do.
- Waiting for our STI test results: http://t.co/QV4mWlsqcf 18:20:56
- We went through @TalentTesting , @HenameWOEWOE – made it really easy online to pay & find nearest places – got results the next day. in reply to HenameWOEWOE 18:38:09
- @HenameWOEWOE @TalentTesting was still cheaper & way more convenient than other avenues for us, and easier to share & archive results. in reply to HenameWOEWOE 18:46:14
My Life Yesterday
August 26, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- My teeth hurt & my tea tastes of pickles. I don't know why. And my period just started. 08:47:55
- @bolony It feels more like it's from pressure / clenched jaw. in reply to bolony 09:22:38
- That time of year when you should shake out your bath towel before drying off… unless you really LOVE spiders. http://t.co/Z6NdmDfEy6 10:32:58
- Do you ever find yourself away from home, afraid to get out of your car because you just realized you MIGHT not be wearing enough clothes? 13:44:27
- I had to pee so bad I couldn't waver, though. Hope someone in the ferry line appreciated seeing my over-exposed jiggly run past 100s o cars. 13:47:51
- I'm older than most people doing these here sex work things, it seems. OOOoohhldurrrrrrr. 16:33:50
- @SarcasticWonder I'm definitely young at heart; perhaps that's why recognizing I'm older in years & exp still comes as a little shock to me. in reply to SarcasticWonder 18:46:27
- I find Sounders fans profoundly distasteful & douchey. And not just that one blocking traffic in the alley wearing a camo utilikilt. #DOUCHE 19:02:45
- I should probably try harder to not alienate, like, EVERYBODY. 19:21:01
My Life Yesterday
August 25, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Of a body-age where weird little sigh/moan sounds escape me as I try to get moving in the morning. 10:14:33
- That #poop was SO FAT I thought it was trying to come out sideways. 10:50:01
- Why did it start smelling like a little old dog encrusted with flea powder in our house yesterday? This is unsettling. 13:39:49
- Afraid to eat a lone roasted pumpkin seed. It looks to much like a bug sleeping with its hard clicky-clacky wings folded. 16:53:21
- TOO much. (Isn't Having olfactory & visual hallucinations enough without spelling shit all wrong too?) 16:55:44
- @frankenstein007 and THEN eat it? Will it taste better as a painted ladybug? It's more like a small grasshopper. in reply to frankenstein007 16:57:57
- @frankenstein007 lol – I like you so much! in reply to frankenstein007 17:03:23
- Period hasn't even started and I'm having hell cramps. 17:45:01
- I need a TV or movie thing to watch with no supery-triggery/upsetting violence/meanness, interesting to look at, fast-paced, FUNNY. ?? 17:50:29
- RT @AmberLily: Have a sacred cow? I'm going to take a motherfucking dump in it's mouth whenever I'm LIVE on cam. Try not to be so offended. 17:52:20
- Hmmm . . . maybe . . . Ninja Cheerleaders? Why can't I just like Buffy a whole bunch like all my friends do? What's WRONG with me? 17:58:13
- YUM. Special treat video on my phone to look forward to. I'm going to take a shower before I watch it to make the time extra special. 18:02:01
- @frankenstein007 Ohhh, Hot Fuzz is SO GOOD! I might have to buy it . . . in reply to frankenstein007 18:05:29
- No, thanks. One white cricket-playing lover was enough for This American Lifetime. 19:18:16
- If I don't keep my inner slavedriver turned on, it's like . . . where did the day go? Even if I accomplished some things I don't know what. 20:48:52
- @jmdarling what?!? I can't even imagine him making anything to satisfyingly compete with the real one. Hope he does, though. in reply to jmdarling 20:51:55
- Oh, man! What are these pleasant aromas emanating from my body?!? I took a shower & lotioned up & totally lost my artistic aura. 21:34:17
- I don't look sexy, but I smell like A Very Nice Lady Indeed. 21:35:19
- Freedom is just another word for A PRISON OF INDECISION & SLOW BIODEGREDATION. 21:40:27
- Starring Timothy Dalton, Patrick Stewart . . and me as the Chinese fingercuff. 22:01:45
My Life Yesterday
August 24, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- OK, I'll weigh in on today's most important current event: no way Ben Affleck can follow . . . wait a second. Cleft chin . . . 01:10:01
- Still . . . the only way I'll watch it is if Jennifer does the voice. That would be hilarious. 01:10:36
- Well . . . I don't know . . . what part of the body, @mistressmatisse ? in reply to mistressmatisse 01:25:35
- It's a super beautiful balmy night out there, even with the moon mostly-hidden behind clouds. 01:26:05
- @mistressmatisse ohhhhhhh . . . that sounds really unpleasant. in reply to mistressmatisse 01:32:38
- Fancy old lady with a southern accent in a wheelchair talking passionately about college & pro football. 11:56:25
- Someone on my site right now looking for "cutie pie porn". I need to make more of that! 11:58:28
- I get so amped up & excited planning some kinds of work that my heart races and my knees feel like buckling and my eyes tear up & I shake. 14:56:20
- Oh yeah . . . I've got the PMS right now, too. 15:15:09
- RT @bmagnanti: Feel free to link this widely, because seriously, my ex is a thicko fartweasel: http://t.co/kEpDdFZUdj 15:38:11
Thanks, @blanknewt1 in reply to blanknewt1 21:26:09
- You know . . . the way people — in the porn industry and out of it — talk about HIV is so fucking stupid in so many ways. 22:46:13
- @blanknewt1 Inability to even acknowledge varying degrees of risk, alarmist craziness, no context or comparison to civilian sex, etc. in reply to blanknewt1 22:53:45
My Life Yesterday
August 23, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- My nudie #potd includes a wet good morning tip for you: http://t.co/vNot20li0j 10:32:06
- Totally in withdrawals from real-time google analytics part of android app not working for awhile & now not showing enough data. 10:41:13
- Newest testimonial from a @DeliaTS fan: "no one comes close to this chick" on cam! http://t.co/cvcARnBMeb 14:31:04
- Browsing WP/blog themes: What I'm Doing Right Now that I Absolutely Should NOT Be Doing Right Now. #procrastination 19:28:44
- I automatically block dudes wearing those stupid below-the-knee shorts in their pics (not really, but ALMOST). Looks like congenital defect. 22:43:32
- I say this as someone who'd have sex w/ someone w/ an actual chromosomal difference WAY before someone wearing those stupid fucking shorts. 22:45:36
- Seriously. You have to be at least 6'5" to get away with that. 22:47:34
- No offense to friends who may wear them; my brain will defend against noticing you're wearing them so I can't hold it against you. 23:09:59
My Life Yesterday
August 22, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Pregnant, bespectacled blonde 21 year-old LIVE: http://t.co/Fold40H0hN 10:13:02
- RT @spyonus: Keep an eye on our show schedule: planned for Fri/Sat 8/30 & 8/31but may have to reschedule for traveling stunt cock headed ou… 16:04:53
- Just got super turned on looking at video of my own big boobs, thinking of naughty nursing role play. Had to break out vibe & get off fast. 16:49:01