- I'm being a horrible, negative, pessimistic BITCH right now, so frustrated & impatient with video editing, hating looking at & hearing self. 12:54:11
- Perhaps I should not attempt to edit porn videos until/unless my mental health is very much more stable. Which is not, apparently, today. 14:09:35
- If you want sexiness (& sanity) my wife @DeliaTS has a corner on those markets in our house (& is LIVE on cam now): http://t.co/cvcARnBMeb 14:13:30
- LOL @SissyNatalie – thank you (though I can only imagine how painful that must be
in reply to SissyNatalie 14:42:50
- The key to getting the most of rhodiola in capsule form seems to be OPENING the capsule, dumping in too-sweet beverage & drinking all up. 15:04:23
- Is there an internet filter that sets fire to the kinds of people who comment "saggy tits gross" on pics of Marilyn Monroe (or anyone)? 23:42:17
- Just a SMALL fire . . . the kind that sets every hair in their asscracks ablaze. That sort of thing. Moving up to other pubes if repeated. 23:43:42
My Life Yesterday
August 4, 2013
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