- My happiness level spiked from 7 to 89 upon @deliats walking in the door! 01:08:19
- My mom: I like FB showing me how people REALLY think. Like your cousin's George Bush post. Why would I want to pray for that dumb fuck? 10:38:35
- I have *goosebumps* right now thinking of how much dance and music and art and history and theater we can take in now without an ordeal. 11:04:51
- I hate Green Day, but I wonder what the settlement actually offered; maybe it was pretty good? Spin's coverage sucks: http://t.co/eo7vKmEtkM 11:47:11
- Tempted to do a photo shoot where I dump my menstrual fluid all over a pic of them & offer site memberships if they complain, @roxxiecyber . in reply to roxxiecyber 12:06:32
- @MaverickBull69 Oooh, I want one! We're actually trying to not use any vehicle over here to avoid paying for parking, though. in reply to MaverickBull69 12:13:05
- @roxxiecyber Yeah, I'm pretty careful to keep the blood off of our paysites these days. in reply to roxxiecyber 12:20:32
- Getting ready to shoot stimulating photos and videos of @DeliaTS for members of (NSFW, duh!) http://t.co/s9Ee02smTq & http://t.co/D1XJt15OPI 12:39:48
- I love watching & wondering about the many-pictures-man so busy at work in an office across the street from us. 12:51:49
- Hmmmm . . . new technical & privacy/appropriateness challenges to overcome to shooting in our Seattle apartment. 13:07:25
- More just regular urban issues of wanting to use natural light without exposing ourselves to a shit ton of people, @SarcasticWonder in reply to SarcasticWonder 13:21:40
- Ugh – in Starbucks wondering who committed this atrocity against Elvis Costello's "Allison". 15:29:18
- RT @ShawnElliott: Oppose any legislation that would prevent you from filming the police. 16:37:16
- I need to learn how to get / become comfortable & efficient getting directions on my phone. I really miss a car full of Thomas Guides. 16:41:33
- RT @DeeDennis: Oh FFS Can people please stop RT'ing that abuser. All he wants is attention – good or bad – and you're feeding into it. 16:41:58
- We decided to keep it simple & just have canned soup tonight. Then we realized WE DON'T HAVE A CAN OPENER. Haha! 21:28:17
- @Ishfery It wound up being a great excuse to get gyros, & still simple for me; I stayed in bed w/a book while @DeliaTS procured them.
in reply to Ishfery 22:37:17
- @blanknewt1 20 minutes? Wilderness? Very Private? No, no and no. Plus shooting outside is more complex than it might sound, though we <3 to. in reply to blanknewt1 22:54:53
- @blanknewt1 Give me some of your art to steal and menstruate on!! ;)~ (not really, but still funny) in reply to blanknewt1 22:56:13
- @Ishfery WE LOVE THE SKYNS TOO! in reply to Ishfery 23:13:04
My Life Yesterday
August 10, 2013
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