- Yes, I had ice cream for dinner. But I also hit the gym in the middle of the night. Not *because* of ice cream, but because I wanted to. 03:18:10
- Me too, @rocknrollcola ! I love having a gym all to myself, and just being active when most are asleep in general. in reply to rocknrollcola 03:20:46
- It's stretch o'clock! http://t.co/TlhRROTOTn 03:21:43
- Hey, look! This girl says she loves "Deppthroat": http://t.co/eF1qlw40Ec – I myself always hungered for DeLuisethroat. #21JumpStreet. 03:37:53
- It's amazing how much better my brain works when I send it some oxygen. Not really better, maybe, but FASTER. Only effective when typing. 04:34:33
- Phew: glad to hear it, @DeliaTS . in reply to DeliaTS 11:41:31
- In order to do the training I want, I need to be able to run 2 challenging miles followed by a solid hour of intense gym workout. 12:23:22
- And then walk two miles without puking on the way back. Aiming to be ready by . . . November? Too far away. October? 12:24:24
- Why do two city miles seem SO FAR when two country miles feel like a normal stroll? There are, like, 27 neighborhoods in 2 city miles! 12:32:55
- Listening to a non-traditional publishing rep's lady-pimp pitch. So slick: "authors don't get paid up front; it's really egalitarian!" 13:08:58
- I'm making it sound worse than it really is. I'm actually impressed with lady-pimp & her spiel that everyone in the coffee shop can hear. 13:11:21
- Her voice/broadcast is PERFECTION. Confident without feeling aggressive, passionate, well-articulated. Throwing salad @my face, mesmerized. 13:18:29
- Her dowdy colleague sits silently, knowing she'll never emerge from lady-pimp's shadow. She just lends cred & waits in line for coffee. 13:23:12
- Oooh, lady-pimp says they're "format agnostic". Never heard that lovely term. I'm going to start describing myself that way. 13:25:06
- Actually, it may be more accurate to say I'm Format Ecumenical. Getting reeeeeaal ecumenical these days. Know what I mean, girls? 13:27:52
- And get this: lady-pimp bears a striking resemblance to Tilda Swinton. (my phone wants her to be TULSA Swinton). 13:30:01
- LOL @ they don't comp hard copies because it's archaic, when they just can't afford it. Love you, lady-pimp, carving out airspace for yr BS. 13:36:10
- But lady book-pimp is saying lots & lots of true stuff. "You know, writing a novel takes TIME!" Yes, lady-pimp. Yesssssss. 13:41:14
- She gently explains you'll have a more prolific readership if you write lady-porn … errrrr …. ROMANCE … than literary fiction. 13:44:08
- RT @bmagnanti: That's all I can be bothered to share now. The rest will have to wait til trial. Tip of the iceberg, I assure you. http://t.… 13:54:21
- I've never cared to ride stationary bikes in the gym. Until now: ours has the "race your ghost! Race dragons!" video game thingy. 14:20:06
- RT @spyonus: Sorry Trixie's cabin cams are down: she's in Seattle & @DeliaTS isn't familiar with her set up to log them back in. Nothing to… 14:29:58
- I will be back home with the lifecams today or tomorrow, though (and our Seattle apartment is a no-spycam-zone). 14:31:43
- RT @DeliaTS: Been missing me on cam lately? Well catch me now before I cum and go again! http://t.co/NpZkpCzNFl 14:31:49
- I just burned about 500 calories in the gym. So I'm thinking Italian for dinner . . . 17:29:21
- I hope my tits don't fall out of this sports bra. Especially since my blouse won't button all the way up over my sports bra . . . 17:54:02
- Fucking. Delicious. So. Naughty. http://t.co/pIPfaDbCJM 18:23:33
- So glad it's empty in here. Hunched over, elbows on table, shoveling this deliciousness into my mouth. 18:24:40
- This Spaghetti Carbonara IS MY boyfriend tonight, @C_BearE ! in reply to C_BearE 18:25:44
- So glad I finished eating before energetic kid started begging his mommy for a "Word storY! Word storEE! WORD STOREEEEEE!" 18:40:24
- I should've put a trigger alert on that OBSCENE looking pasta, eh? Sorry if I grossed you out with pork smothered in congealing fatty-cum. 19:29:30
- I'm so glad I don't know what's going on. And that other smarter people do. I know . . . I'm a horribly lazy cop-out of a feminist. 20:53:51
- I *do* know enough to not want to see his fucking face or bullshit retweeted in my timeline, though. Makes me want to SMASH IT UP. 21:00:19
- OMFG. WHAT????? Women aren't fucking CHESS PIECES, or canvas works of art to be re-stolen and restored: http://t.co/gO2JCV8h4t 22:17:13
- Insane. Credit cards/banks process payments for shit that's marketed like that but if I made fictional porn called that? Hahaha – PRISON. 22:19:33
- Now I totally want to make a porno featuring a hot "heroic" dyke a la Dennis O'Keefe in The Fake, rescue-napping the poor unfortunate ladies 22:24:44
- Feeling a flood of appreciation for the sign/symbol that is ARROW. Or just directional V. Is that shit universal or WHAT? 22:35:12
My Life Yesterday
August 13, 2013
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