- Worst sleep ever. Woke repeatedly to bed crawling with nightmares and a huge spider. Big-dick buffalo with distended gut dragging on ground. 08:37:00
- I don't have strep throat. My tonsils are just pus-y fighting off something. Because that's how they roll, keeping the lungs healthy. 12:02:16
- I think what I need is to eat a shit-ton of garlic. No. Allow me correct myself; what I need is to eat a FUCK-TON of garlic. 12:16:26
- I'm always intrigued by & excited to celebrate healthy bodily functions regardless if some think they're unsexy / turn-offs, @billieTS
in reply to billieTS 12:31:36
- RT @CarolCox: @tastytrixie A good bodily function can be something close to heaven
- So excited to eat healing green garlicky salsa I didn't notice a corpse swimming in it until I'd devoured most of it: http://t.co/FUWLTdTKd9 13:41:11
- Why do I get the feeling what he's REALLY saying is "yessss . . . eat more pizza . . . EAT MORE PIZZA!", @AmberLily @soFuckingRick ? in reply to AmberLily 16:37:09
- Stretched. Poked & swiped at tonsils with hydrogen peroxide-dipped q-tips. Sinuses rinsed. Feeling better already (& had fun doing it). 17:41:23
- A little peak in my nudie #potd of the hairy HD video and picture set @DeliaTS just shot of me in the backyard: http://t.co/6YigOasSvV 19:45:01
- OMFG I just spelled "peek" incorrectly. Whatever. Twin peaks hardy har har totally intentional blah blah. 19:48:02
My Life Yesterday
August 20, 2013
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