- Of a body-age where weird little sigh/moan sounds escape me as I try to get moving in the morning. 10:14:33
- That #poop was SO FAT I thought it was trying to come out sideways. 10:50:01
- Why did it start smelling like a little old dog encrusted with flea powder in our house yesterday? This is unsettling. 13:39:49
- Afraid to eat a lone roasted pumpkin seed. It looks to much like a bug sleeping with its hard clicky-clacky wings folded. 16:53:21
- TOO much. (Isn't Having olfactory & visual hallucinations enough without spelling shit all wrong too?) 16:55:44
- @frankenstein007 and THEN eat it? Will it taste better as a painted ladybug? It's more like a small grasshopper. in reply to frankenstein007 16:57:57
- @frankenstein007 lol – I like you so much! in reply to frankenstein007 17:03:23
- Period hasn't even started and I'm having hell cramps. 17:45:01
- I need a TV or movie thing to watch with no supery-triggery/upsetting violence/meanness, interesting to look at, fast-paced, FUNNY. ?? 17:50:29
- RT @AmberLily: Have a sacred cow? I'm going to take a motherfucking dump in it's mouth whenever I'm LIVE on cam. Try not to be so offended. 17:52:20
- Hmmm . . . maybe . . . Ninja Cheerleaders? Why can't I just like Buffy a whole bunch like all my friends do? What's WRONG with me? 17:58:13
- YUM. Special treat video on my phone to look forward to. I'm going to take a shower before I watch it to make the time extra special. 18:02:01
- @frankenstein007 Ohhh, Hot Fuzz is SO GOOD! I might have to buy it . . . in reply to frankenstein007 18:05:29
- No, thanks. One white cricket-playing lover was enough for This American Lifetime. 19:18:16
- If I don't keep my inner slavedriver turned on, it's like . . . where did the day go? Even if I accomplished some things I don't know what. 20:48:52
- @jmdarling what?!? I can't even imagine him making anything to satisfyingly compete with the real one. Hope he does, though. in reply to jmdarling 20:51:55
- Oh, man! What are these pleasant aromas emanating from my body?!? I took a shower & lotioned up & totally lost my artistic aura. 21:34:17
- I don't look sexy, but I smell like A Very Nice Lady Indeed. 21:35:19
- Freedom is just another word for A PRISON OF INDECISION & SLOW BIODEGREDATION. 21:40:27
- Starring Timothy Dalton, Patrick Stewart . . and me as the Chinese fingercuff. 22:01:45
My Life Yesterday
August 25, 2013
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