- Last thing u want after watching Intervention w/the Trek extra & fentanyl lollipops is finding your wife's empty shampoo bottle collection. 00:02:08
- Seriously. I didn't even know she had them. Then suddenly 26 empty bottles on the bathroom floor. Like, "let's see who wins crazy, tonight!" 00:05:09
- I shouldn't alarm you guys; don't worry! There's no fucking chance I will ever lose the title to crazy to @DeliaTS – it's no contest! 00:16:30
- Bathing in mid-morning sun in my nudie #potd (snapped by @DeliaTS mere minutes ago) – http://t.co/rL4jDVkMx7 10:12:36
- Haha, @luxnightmare – full size! in reply to luxnightmare 10:13:42
- While downloading & backing up pictures, I went outside: http://t.co/ptCBonNG9u 13:19:22
- What is it called when ravens make that liquid-y turkey-gobble-like sound? 13:24:30
- Help @DeliaTS pick up where she left off in her last show: w/her fat cock poking out between thighs from behind: http://t.co/cvcARnBMeb 15:26:48
- Full moon, right now, almost in Pisces. http://t.co/bV8gdrpybx 20:39:11
- RT @frankenstein007: Notice how the "iconic" portraits/pics of male authors are when they're in their 50s/60s and female authors when they'… 20:40:55
My Life Yesterday
August 21, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
My Life Yesterday
August 20, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Worst sleep ever. Woke repeatedly to bed crawling with nightmares and a huge spider. Big-dick buffalo with distended gut dragging on ground. 08:37:00
- I don't have strep throat. My tonsils are just pus-y fighting off something. Because that's how they roll, keeping the lungs healthy. 12:02:16
- I think what I need is to eat a shit-ton of garlic. No. Allow me correct myself; what I need is to eat a FUCK-TON of garlic. 12:16:26
- I'm always intrigued by & excited to celebrate healthy bodily functions regardless if some think they're unsexy / turn-offs, @billieTS
in reply to billieTS 12:31:36
- RT @CarolCox: @tastytrixie A good bodily function can be something close to heaven
- So excited to eat healing green garlicky salsa I didn't notice a corpse swimming in it until I'd devoured most of it: http://t.co/FUWLTdTKd9 13:41:11
- Why do I get the feeling what he's REALLY saying is "yessss . . . eat more pizza . . . EAT MORE PIZZA!", @AmberLily @soFuckingRick ? in reply to AmberLily 16:37:09
- Stretched. Poked & swiped at tonsils with hydrogen peroxide-dipped q-tips. Sinuses rinsed. Feeling better already (& had fun doing it). 17:41:23
- A little peak in my nudie #potd of the hairy HD video and picture set @DeliaTS just shot of me in the backyard: http://t.co/6YigOasSvV 19:45:01
- OMFG I just spelled "peek" incorrectly. Whatever. Twin peaks hardy har har totally intentional blah blah. 19:48:02
My Life Yesterday
August 19, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I wonder if kombucha helps kill strep throat? I'm serious … 04:56:39
- The color swath is almost the same greyness of the black & white in my nudie pic for today: http://t.co/YPdglTFyn1 20:02:49
- Nothing grosses me out in amateur porn more than seeing an occupied bird cage in the background. I don't know why, but that's the worst. 20:10:31
- {{{hugs}}} and enthusiastically flaps hands @libby_lynn in reply to libby_lynn 20:20:41
- I can't even look at my own twitpics; they make me so fucking hungry. 20:21:20
- Methinks this busty mature dirty-talker might be exactly to some of your tastes: http://t.co/O5rA5muqCY 20:26:12
My Life Yesterday
August 18, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- A perfect summer-night nudie #potd http://t.co/MNSnZ5UEIP 01:39:32
- Our friend @AmberLily talks about how Man of Steel is awesome as an alien invasion film. WITH PANTIES ON HER HEAD. http://t.co/cUlaouzeBZ 01:43:41
- K, maybe it's a t-shirt, but what. She's topless & about to do a moonshine, twinkies & masturbation show for only $5! http://t.co/cUlaouzeBZ 01:44:46
- OK, it's for sure. She said it's PANTIES on her head. They say, "POW!" and she's rocking them like a Kangol live now: http://t.co/cUlaouzeBZ 01:47:04
- Gah . . . finally looked inside my sore throat with mirror. Looks like strep. But I feel fine other than that!! 03:17:29
- If you guys care about my strep throat at all, you'll go join http://t.co/K2bU7iM07M for free! Or do I need to get a doctor's note first? 03:46:47
- I'm actually stoked to have strep. I've been wanting to wallow in self-administered sick time with a widely-recognized-as-legit illness. 03:50:15
- As opposed to my usual tragic malaise of being motivationally-limp with a lazy case of the vapors and an artistic temperament. 03:54:33
- Whoah! I thought I was picking the most gnarly clingon out of my butt-hair, but it just wound up being part of a fir cone thingy. 03:58:31
- Finally officially announcing that @DeliaTS and I GOT MARRIED! http://t.co/lkgQ4MUm4V 10:24:23
- 5 of 5 stars to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn http://t.co/dIZEnVecdv 17:50:43
- These dudes' opening gambits SUCK. I don't want to get drinks. I don't want to get coffee. And they say nothing of being my stunt cock. 20:05:47
- Some ambien & herb & aspirin are going to help me & my throat sleep well tonight & on time. 23:29:21
My Life Yesterday
August 17, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I love being where the just-after-2-am sounds are most noticeably an owl. Rather than drunken last-call-is-over street fights. 02:13:04
My Life Yesterday
August 16, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Continues to boggle my mind how doctor offices act so disbelieving when you don't have insurance &/or need PRICES to decide care. 10:45:48
- "Most beautiful, good things are done by women people scorn." -Gillian Flynn, _Gone Girl_ 10:55:22
- You have no idea how disappointed I am to not get to witness @deliats having a small benign anal polyp removed. 11:52:01
- We (ok, *I*) don't even get to take it home in a jar. AND I failed to even finger & look at it & take pictures at home. I'm a failure! 11:54:08
- Also: just feel like I'm missing out, not getting to see sexy doctor all up in my wife's ass. 12:07:22
- Pretty young lady with G-cups & Georgian accent – outside on patio w/allergies & a contact prob or something, LIVE: http://t.co/naJWf5gIus 14:36:12
- @MonkeyAxis We're in PT today & probably tomorrow … May be spending 4-7 days in city starting maybe Saturday? Any of those days good 4u2? in reply to MonkeyAxis 16:09:25
- Good reminders for me (a person who most often still thinks comments should moderated or not even be an option), @bmagnanti @timdunlop in reply to bmagnanti 16:31:27
- Just today reading comments ranging from just plain mean to SICKENINGLY abusive on a child actress & teen kidnapping & murder victim. 16:33:42
- RT @DeliaTS: Just posted a few sexy pics from my first shoot at our new Seattle apartment http://t.co/TwRgjZkIGf 20:42:38
- I'm only eight feet away from @DeliaTS but she can't hear a word I'm saying, even if I shout. SHE'S IN HEAVEN. 20:47:44
- I could scream, "I NEED A GODDAMN BROWNIE RIGHT FUCKIN NOW!!!" & it would only maybe register as a far-off, incoherent whisper to her. 20:55:31
My Life Yesterday
August 15, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Dude on bus keeps turning around with a scrunched "don't I know you from someplace?" look. 10:22:01
- Had a lovely conversation with a wonderful lady named Mary on the ferry. 10:43:17
- In the past week I somehow misplaced at least two bills that need to be paid AND my notes for The Meatball Parade. 19:58:21
- Naked, and home with my sweet home, @DeliaTS – http://t.co/FrLTgFa7lj 20:20:57
- Oh! Thank you, friends and fans, who've signed up to enjoy http://t.co/qj8t7P9Qcw – you're *awesome*! 20:22:53
- When in Seattle, I love getting these reminders of our too-far-away friend, @Big_Darth : http://t.co/6Er9IkFs4E 20:28:26
- Two pretty girls, one guitar & one cigarette: http://t.co/K307vTdiG3 I wonder how they sound? 20:33:01
My Life Yesterday
August 14, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- A CAN-opener conduit came over and it was very luscious … Like cherries flambé. I hope I'm not acting totally stoned. 03:10:12
- You know when you're stoned and you eat a hot woman's pussy and have . . . like . . . a psychic connection but you're afraid … you're . . 03:28:25
- . . . you're afraid…you're paranoid you're just acting really crazy & stoned? Did I mention OMG am I acting really obnoxious & stoned? 03:29:46
- OMG just remembered I did the thing where I lose myself ranting feverishly about the Showgirls DVD Box Set travesty: #1 NOT REAL WIDESCREEN. 04:09:48
- Sighing with weary frustration over folks who advertise where to find our info but thinks it's ok because … no hyperlink! Don't be daft. 11:58:25
- Like, OH! Well, HE gave the clickable domain name, but I'm only telling you what makes it so interestingly worthwhile & easy to Google! 12:00:46
- So anyway scads of smart pals using shitty logic … I am (and have been) really sad to have to flag you as not-always-trustworthy. 12:05:28
- I'm no angel, either. I'm not saying I deserve a whore ethics merit badge or am worthy of SuperTrust. Still … mad / blargh / deflation. 12:12:12
- I promise to not post any more obscure pitiful little resentments today. Maybe some little piss-offs? 12:35:03
- Before the fire (thank you for the delicious evening, @BOBCATGIRL – I saw RAINBOWS!) http://t.co/sSpfOvdxNG 12:42:11
- Mmmmmm… my big turkey breakfast. Looking forward to the gym once it digests a little bit… http://t.co/9E9tm4OjIW 14:50:11
- On page 144 of 240 of The Fan-Maker's Inquisition, by Rikki Ducornet http://t.co/FyZ2q6gs36 15:15:28
- We are lots of amazing parts! Reminder to aim for a DIVERSITY & RANGE of motion, strength, etc.: http://t.co/9T40grrAKf via @AlignedandWell 15:33:18
- I read Dare Me by Megan Abbott http://t.co/tap1ZDZHlF 16:11:38
- RT @AlignedandWell: @tastytrixie Lots of amazing parts of the body. Lots of amazing peoples on the planets. All essential. All connected. 16:17:27
- Oh internet, you funny thing that makes us fall in love with people & feel odd loss when someone moves out of state who you only met online. 16:29:20
- Also, I miss reading Mandy Mitchell on Twitter. 16:31:59
- Doesn't my wife's hair look pretty? She just got it done today: http://t.co/xhrFWY9TWt (I love watching her on cam when we're apart). 16:35:01
- Thanks, @blanknewt1 – and yes, exercise for me is for the experience & to have freedom in my body: strength, fluidity, endurance, AIR, etc in reply to blanknewt1 19:11:57
- Thanks, @misscalico ! Yeah, our awesome hair babe often straightens it when @DeliaTS goes in for more blondeness. in reply to misscalico 19:13:14
My Life Yesterday
August 13, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Yes, I had ice cream for dinner. But I also hit the gym in the middle of the night. Not *because* of ice cream, but because I wanted to. 03:18:10
- Me too, @rocknrollcola ! I love having a gym all to myself, and just being active when most are asleep in general. in reply to rocknrollcola 03:20:46
- It's stretch o'clock! http://t.co/TlhRROTOTn 03:21:43
- Hey, look! This girl says she loves "Deppthroat": http://t.co/eF1qlw40Ec – I myself always hungered for DeLuisethroat. #21JumpStreet. 03:37:53
- It's amazing how much better my brain works when I send it some oxygen. Not really better, maybe, but FASTER. Only effective when typing. 04:34:33
- Phew: glad to hear it, @DeliaTS . in reply to DeliaTS 11:41:31
- In order to do the training I want, I need to be able to run 2 challenging miles followed by a solid hour of intense gym workout. 12:23:22
- And then walk two miles without puking on the way back. Aiming to be ready by . . . November? Too far away. October? 12:24:24
- Why do two city miles seem SO FAR when two country miles feel like a normal stroll? There are, like, 27 neighborhoods in 2 city miles! 12:32:55
- Listening to a non-traditional publishing rep's lady-pimp pitch. So slick: "authors don't get paid up front; it's really egalitarian!" 13:08:58
- I'm making it sound worse than it really is. I'm actually impressed with lady-pimp & her spiel that everyone in the coffee shop can hear. 13:11:21
- Her voice/broadcast is PERFECTION. Confident without feeling aggressive, passionate, well-articulated. Throwing salad @my face, mesmerized. 13:18:29
- Her dowdy colleague sits silently, knowing she'll never emerge from lady-pimp's shadow. She just lends cred & waits in line for coffee. 13:23:12
- Oooh, lady-pimp says they're "format agnostic". Never heard that lovely term. I'm going to start describing myself that way. 13:25:06
- Actually, it may be more accurate to say I'm Format Ecumenical. Getting reeeeeaal ecumenical these days. Know what I mean, girls? 13:27:52
- And get this: lady-pimp bears a striking resemblance to Tilda Swinton. (my phone wants her to be TULSA Swinton). 13:30:01
- LOL @ they don't comp hard copies because it's archaic, when they just can't afford it. Love you, lady-pimp, carving out airspace for yr BS. 13:36:10
- But lady book-pimp is saying lots & lots of true stuff. "You know, writing a novel takes TIME!" Yes, lady-pimp. Yesssssss. 13:41:14
- She gently explains you'll have a more prolific readership if you write lady-porn … errrrr …. ROMANCE … than literary fiction. 13:44:08
- RT @bmagnanti: That's all I can be bothered to share now. The rest will have to wait til trial. Tip of the iceberg, I assure you. http://t.… 13:54:21
- I've never cared to ride stationary bikes in the gym. Until now: ours has the "race your ghost! Race dragons!" video game thingy. 14:20:06
- RT @spyonus: Sorry Trixie's cabin cams are down: she's in Seattle & @DeliaTS isn't familiar with her set up to log them back in. Nothing to… 14:29:58
- I will be back home with the lifecams today or tomorrow, though (and our Seattle apartment is a no-spycam-zone). 14:31:43
- RT @DeliaTS: Been missing me on cam lately? Well catch me now before I cum and go again! http://t.co/NpZkpCzNFl 14:31:49
- I just burned about 500 calories in the gym. So I'm thinking Italian for dinner . . . 17:29:21
- I hope my tits don't fall out of this sports bra. Especially since my blouse won't button all the way up over my sports bra . . . 17:54:02
- Fucking. Delicious. So. Naughty. http://t.co/pIPfaDbCJM 18:23:33
- So glad it's empty in here. Hunched over, elbows on table, shoveling this deliciousness into my mouth. 18:24:40
- This Spaghetti Carbonara IS MY boyfriend tonight, @C_BearE ! in reply to C_BearE 18:25:44
- So glad I finished eating before energetic kid started begging his mommy for a "Word storY! Word storEE! WORD STOREEEEEE!" 18:40:24
- I should've put a trigger alert on that OBSCENE looking pasta, eh? Sorry if I grossed you out with pork smothered in congealing fatty-cum. 19:29:30
- I'm so glad I don't know what's going on. And that other smarter people do. I know . . . I'm a horribly lazy cop-out of a feminist. 20:53:51
- I *do* know enough to not want to see his fucking face or bullshit retweeted in my timeline, though. Makes me want to SMASH IT UP. 21:00:19
- OMFG. WHAT????? Women aren't fucking CHESS PIECES, or canvas works of art to be re-stolen and restored: http://t.co/gO2JCV8h4t 22:17:13
- Insane. Credit cards/banks process payments for shit that's marketed like that but if I made fictional porn called that? Hahaha – PRISON. 22:19:33
- Now I totally want to make a porno featuring a hot "heroic" dyke a la Dennis O'Keefe in The Fake, rescue-napping the poor unfortunate ladies 22:24:44
- Feeling a flood of appreciation for the sign/symbol that is ARROW. Or just directional V. Is that shit universal or WHAT? 22:35:12
My Life Yesterday
August 12, 2013
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Eyes peeled for @BOBCATGIRL ….may have to gobble her up if found later than sooner… 13:04:28
- On lookout for @BOBCATGIRL , pretty much handing out free upskirts to passersby while waiting. 13:12:44
- Here's my meal plan for dinner (@DeliaTS left me in Seattle to fend for myself): http://t.co/51mZ6eoEtl 19:30:44
- I snap & post free nude or semi-nude camera phone pics daily here: http://t.co/vrKEen5vJ8 Today's has an aroma: http://t.co/IZW6IBurZi 19:43:23
- I'm going to have an awesome night!
Even if I'm not at home with @DeliaTS in our backyard watching the meteor shower. #LittleCryBabyFace 20:38:27
- Glad to hear Alex wasn't hiding behind a column all night, then @LightningAllie ! in reply to LightningAllie 20:41:31
- Freedom is just another word for . . . PANIC! I can do anything I want to do! Holy fuck, WHAT DO I MOST WANT TO DO?!? #TherapeuticArtBox 20:48:16
- Okay. Calm down. Eat your ice cream, Trixie. Watch some Star Trek. Be nice and gentle to the internet peoples. Organize your bandaids. 20:49:58
- Shit. I just finally watched something all my internet friends like; but I hate it and want to be mean to it! But I won't! ICE CREAM!! 20:56:27
- I would *love* to have some baby goats someday, @Diaz_Alali – but alas . . . not yet! in reply to Diaz_Alali 20:58:08
- The email you sent me months ago brought *77 blushing smiles* to my face, @GOtrixieracerGO -sorry I am terrible at responding. But I <3 you! in reply to GOtrixieracerGO 20:59:36
- Oops – I didn't realize that person I approved as a @goodreads friend is only 13. Quick! Unfriend (how?)! I feel bad about this either way. 23:52:10
- I hate calling myself "not safe", but I'm really not young-person-appropriate as Trixie. 23:55:55