My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • My green inky morning fingers. 10:54:08
  • It's weird (& interesting) to see people from my hometown area ON TV affecting *more* of a hick accent than we can lay claim to. 11:44:56
  • Aaaaaand just like that you get some fucking horrible news that makes NOW'S sunshine the most important thing you can dry your tears with. 16:13:47
  • Had to push my show for tonight two hours later than planned or I won't be able to get back in time after thing I now *have* to do. 16:50:17
  • RT @SusanElizabeth: Athletes and strippers have a lot in common, professionally speaking. I lay it out here: 23:12:16

My Life Yesterday

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  • I made a stringy fantasy wish in my nudie pic post for yesterday: 12:17:23
  • I *love* dancing while eating! 16:09:02
  • Waitress thought we ordered too much food for two people, but I'LL SHOW HER! #IcanPutItAway 16:19:11
  • I know how to honor AAAAALLLLLLLL of the motherfuckin food groups. 16:20:56
  • Pics from today: Me in an elevator, topless in my new jeans, etc. 18:18:58
  • Spooky dahlias my mom brought to us from her garden. 19:46:08
  • GOAL: go up to someone having ridiculously obnoxious loud phone convo on the ferry & project & narrate a slideshow of my phone porn pics. 20:12:42
  • Seriously, this woman is white, fifty, & telling someone in a kindergarten phone sex teacher voice to "keep on hustlin'". 20:14:13
  • I want to sloppily throw myself into the seat next to her and pretend-drunkenly – dramatically – hum/shout the Candy Crush theme song. 20:20:14

My Life Yesterday

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  • Very interesting. My period just started, barely late at all. Popping eggs faster because of age? More estrogen because of more better fat? 11:26:34
  • RT @MidtownGay: If I’d known you wouldn’t have even given me a courtesy smile for holding open the door, I would’ve let it slam in your fac… 11:27:17
  • Also wondering if smoking pot is helping tamp down stress hormones (cortisol) that lead to more testosterone. 11:33:53
  • 4 of 5 stars to Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan 12:56:44
  • RT @Ishfery: #banfreebies is the best hash tag of the day 🙂 14:09:23
  • Hot salty pork noodle fall comfort in black bowl, alone in cozy hole-in-wall. 16:23:26
  • Seattle folks: know of any good massages to be had downtown to sodo that I can ****schedule online**** or have receptionist? 16:52:42
  • Want to see the vid I just masturbated to orgasm watching? I'll send link if you send me $1 amazon gift card. Reply for my email address. 18:31:45
  • Really, @fredlet ? Because price is too low or s/b free or seems pathetic or not interesting or spammy? Super curious/is sorta experiment. in reply to fredlet 19:54:50
  • Maaaan, James Spader looks so different from how I remember him when he was making Robert Downey Jr suck dick in Less than Zero. #aging 21:22:28
  • I severely underestimated the amount of lactaid needed to accompany my first eating of burrata. 21:53:10
  • {{hugs}} @BOBCATGIRL – very cute; a massage role play, maybe – there's no way I could get the full therapeutic value of it before: you know. in reply to BOBCATGIRL 21:55:33
  • @BOBCATGIRL oh no!!! What???? Glad you're okay and there was a positive aspect. Yikes . . . in reply to BOBCATGIRL 21:57:31
  • This cartoonish young blonde Russian with big grey eyes caught my attention tonight: 23:01:16

My Life Yesterday

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  • My mom is showing me her phone wallpaper & describing her lovely ringtone: "so yeah: call me so you can hear it. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO ME." 11:21:16
  • GOAL: get pilot's license & plane so I can tow banner over stadiums that just says "I love your big dick, Daddy!" and other obscenities. 11:44:46
  • At any rate, something less offensively boring than marriage proposals. 11:46:37
  • DISCOVERY: acting like an 1) insecure 2) possibly-insane train wreck not only buys time but also ADDS INTEREST. #hook #anticipatoryset 16:28:44
  • (note: not really "acting" – discoveries would not be made if not genuine) 16:29:55
  • My nudie pic post for yesterday is a progress report on the challenge @babestoday issued me: 17:35:26
  • My wife @DeliaTS is an inspiration. Admiring the learning & self-teaching & practicing she's doing with her bass-playing. 17:43:09
  • My equinox-appropriate pussy-smell of the day: 17:57:22
  • Oh, thank goodness! Lady at next table loudly mispronounced "vermouth". Now I feel much better about my sweatpants. VURR-mouth? 18:29:59
  • Wearing a pokey metal thing on my head, NAKED! 22:13:36
  • AWESOME! The kind of gay dudes you never see in movies / on TV: 22:17:33
  • Oh man, that guy is DRUUUUNK. And he just mortified his young friend by doing an impromptu "retard" impression. 22:21:34
  • RT @katsnacks: I would like to take the week before my period, of my period, every full moon, the week after rent is due, & before the 15th… 22:27:36

My Life Yesterday

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  • RT @mistressmatisse: Please RT this: "Rescue is for Kittens: Ten Things Everyone Needs to Know about 'Rescues' of Youth in Sex Trade" http:… 10:04:15
  • Looking forward to my mom's arrival to celebrate her 69th birthday! 15:02:36
  • These girls are having so much fun outside fucking! Love the profile, too. 15:12:00
  • My mom says she remembers/lived here when the population of Seattle was only 250k. Needless to say, parking today was a challenge for her. 15:59:13

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Exhaling warm breath & smoke up to the full moon outside is soooooooo beautiful. 00:25:54
  • Why the (mild) auditory hallucinations when I'm high? Beeping, a church organ sustaining long notes then trickling down, sirens … 00:34:49
  • … the distant sound of muffled children's screams. And the bizarre detached apathy upon hearing something like screaming kids at midnight. 00:36:42
  • I'd ask myself why I do it, but that's why I do it. Apathy is soooooo addictive. I crave its tenderly-insensate touch of fuzzy inertia.

    . 00:41:07

  • Ooogh! Just imagined French kissing myself and it was a totally disgusting, repellant experience. {shudders} 00:59:26
  • @SugarKovalczyk I know…I just really hurt my own feelings pretty bad. in reply to SugarKovalczyk 01:07:08
  • Anybody who thinks the incest should be removed from Flowers in the Attic deserves a dry-hairbrush-handle ride straight to hell. 15:57:32
  • Also — any of you who think the government or a union or your neighbors or your past self should regulate how you have sex: TO HELL W/YOU. 15:59:00
  • LMAO @ kid I overheard outside yelling "YOU GUYS ARE DICKWADS!!!" Oh wait . . . now there's crying. That's no good. 17:35:58
  • The sun's going down & I'm freaking out a little about saying goodbye to summer: 17:46:59
  • My nudie #potd from sundown: outside with the hose spraying water on my big natural boobs: 19:54:35

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