• Wow. When I don't tweet it has a serious impact on our site traffic. You folks are important , , , & real-time Google analytics PROVES it. 00:58:59
  • Still . . . dark moon coming and some days & nights alone mean I may continue being withdrawn. 01:00:14
  • Hmmm . . . maybe our traffic is down because people actually care about this whole government shutdown business though. Almost heartening! 12:46:00
  • Time to put away my short, button-up, straining-across-my-big-boobs summer dresses. http://t.co/PGkfRyDEzx 12:51:49
  • A hummingbird is brzzbrrzzing around as I post this blue sunshine. http://t.co/LguWneo2iB 12:59:13
  • Goals for rest of the week: get a lot of WORK done alone, and do whatever comes up for me spending glorious FREE time alone. #hermit 13:19:02
  • Trying to do the bills, I find something to bitch about: http://t.co/xi2Q6pwsKV 15:14:49
  • For the 1st time in my life I want to blackmail somebody. He has the money and he's done something quite weird to me & probably a relative. 16:44:14
  • Don't worry . . . I won't invite that kind of a cycle of horror into my life. I don't think it's malicious, but very selfish & WEIRD. 16:46:22
  • Loss . . . of . . . breath . . . omg @SabrinaSwings – I think it's being able to see / meditate on pics of them that sucks me into them. 20:32:29
  • My Facebook friends breathe a collective sigh of relief as my computer blocks me from making any more inappropriate comments on their pics. 20:48:33
  • Ohhhh man . . . when I'm ovulating I can barely even get past the TITLE of a J/O video named "Thick Cock Jizz Fountain". 21:07:49
  • So Sinead O'Connor is totally old-fashioned compared to the new pope. Prince should write a super romantic torch song for him. 22:30:51
  • You may call it a cop-out, but I call it the God's Honest, and a celebration: http://t.co/GOF0vqvpSU 23:15:02
  • From now on all of my avatars are Billy Idol obscenely ejaculating slobber from his mouth.and smearing it all over his pretty 80's face. 23:19:34
  • From now on instead of complaining that I'm tired or have a headache or itchy spider bites I'm just going to sigh "my balls are so SWEATY". 23:59:53