• I'm getting paid to surf the internet while my wanker prattles on about his trip to Rome over the phone. 02:29:51
  • Just kidding. I was the one with the tiresome prattle; I (got paid to) masturbate(d) while he talked about something that happened in Rome! 02:31:20
  • RT @bmagnanti: LOL at 'you're not a feminist, you can't write about feminism' when the same people exclude sex workers from discussions of … 03:32:12
  • Haven't seen Kitty Who in months. Now new collarless cats are showing up like this skinny sweetheart. http://t.co/9x4TvzxBbH 14:45:10
  • Is it bad that I like food more when it's been sitting around sometimes getting dry with greasy dew-drops? Like … hardening chicken skin? 15:57:31
  • Make sure you have some friends & lovers who are better people than you are, & are kind & patient & repetitive about it. Thank you, my ppl! 16:10:32
  • RT @kfan: Mild panic attack after sudden realization I couldn't name any WKRP plot lines in significant detail besides Turkey's Away 16:11:09
  • I keep wondering if Victoria's Secret realizes what a huge mistake it was to add product reviews to their site. #shoddy #cheap #crap 17:47:04
  • All the most powerfully smart & amazing & inspiring people I know are whores &/or teachers &/or artists/musicians &/or storytellers. 19:11:51
  • Must adjust & commit to stable daily schedule to make most of daylight hours. FUCK these fucking daytime hours of darkness. 19:31:19
  • I dearly love the night and was a hardcore night-owl most of my life. But night time should be at three in the morning. Not 7pm or earlier. 19:32:54
  • I think I might be just as annoying & sloppy when I'm stoned as when normal people are drunk. Still not as obnoxious as *me* drunk, though. 23:54:20
  • Oops. I shoulda saved that shitty grammar for after midnight (coming soon to a clock near you). (See how annoying? I told you!) 23:55:42