- Wished my woman sweet dreams , breaking out the cornuts & workaholics & lemonade tea & AMBIEN for my farewell Sunday solo party! Woooootplpl 00:58:28
- I don't know why you'd sleep on ambien when you could be bandaging your face with floppy prosciutto and laaafffing! 01:00:19
- Mm…mmmm….lubricating my hips with pig fat and honey, muscles getting flip flop droppy nom nom nom why would anyone sleep on this. 01:04:31
- It's totally foghorn central around here tonight. 02:30:41
- Just got off phone with @deliats – I love hearing my wife talk about how she just got fucked & stretched by a big fat cock. 12:42:04
- So far my day is less sexy – I've only been penetrated by two needles delivering vitamins to my needy body (B12, B complex & magnesium ). 12:44:52
- RT @grok_: Wow. Texan voters must now show ID with up-to-date legal name. Which disenfranchises 34% of women, 1% of men: http://t.co/3rVhZZ… 13:06:13
- I agree, @AliceSkary – super lucky here!
in reply to AliceSkary 14:45:04
- Just made a (still incomplete, private for now) list of 49 reasons why we are reassessing the role of 24/7 lifecams in our lives & work. 15:33:41
- Do you think I have enough fat stored up to make it through winter? Naked, outside in fall mist: http://t.co/BDNMGOOlPb 20:49:33
- The great thing about doing too many jobs is you can STOP doing some jobs AND STILL BE DOING YOUR JOB & maybe be doing your job even better. 21:07:28
- {{{please remind me of that when I repeatedly & fearfully & insecurely & stupidly & counterproductively forget}}} 21:10:02
- Getting ready for a snack & bedtime now. Sorry I'm unresponsive to the handful of friends contacting me. I LOVE HEARING FROM YOU THOUGH! 22:52:23
- I hope my period starts NOW. For the sake of many. PMS on an airplane is not going to help my already nearly-prohibitive anxiety re: flying. 23:16:55
My Life Yesterday
October 22, 2013
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