- Doing the bills with part of my head and thinking about dicks with the other parts. 09:39:33
- LOL @Philoviridae – I'll take care to heed your warning. in reply to Philoviridae 09:48:09
- My nudie pic for yesterday, plus my opinion of guns & porn in my favorite place WHERE YOU COULD HAVE MET ME Saturday! http://t.co/2lUPOITKrQ 13:38:33
- @alendrel In what respect? in reply to alendrel 13:41:54
- You're all welcome to submit comments . . . I may not respond to them, but I will read & consider & probably post them. 13:43:09
- I also must confess that I frequently masturbate to stuff depicting the bad behaviors I so vociferously criticize. 13:45:48
- I'm not sure if its my job to pretend to be a good person when I'm not sure I desire to try to be better than of average goodness anymore. 15:37:46
- It seems like one of the most morally ugly things you can do is carelessly admit how semi-shitty you are & disinterested in improving. 15:45:16
- With an obscenely moldy self-centered cherry on top of listlessly complaining, "I think I'm depressed." Fuck the sun going down so early. 15:48:15
- I dreamt many things growing up in the 70s & 80s, but never that we'd live in a giant shared phone booth. 17:40:11
- Had to endure listening to a woman TALKING TO A TELEMARKETER at lunch yesterday. Spelling her email address, etc. So inconsiderate. 17:41:58
- Some freaky God Incorporated conservative Christian people I grew up with have wives who style themselves more like porn stars than I do. 21:09:22
- Fake hair fake tits fake eyes fake smiles fake faces and PURE FUCKING CRAZY-ASS EVIL SHITTY HEARTS. 21:11:25
- TOTALLY, @docholly @DeliaTS ! in reply to docholly 21:22:35
My Life Yesterday
November 7, 2013
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