- Cozy flame-lit selfies & stuff from last night with my nudie pic for yesterday: http://t.co/eal7PWePjY 09:31:40
- My latest unusual (for me) masturbation fodder: http://t.co/EP9awEmKxA 12:32:09
- LOL @Philoviridae – doubtful, but that's super cute concept. in reply to Philoviridae 12:46:18
- RT @DeliaTS: Going to do some camming for a little while. Come join me! -http://t.co/R1jBQXxokh 15:03:10
- Everyone's riding big red white & blue wheels today. https://t.co/RLmUfrRNhA 21:34:17
- I get the feeling I shouldn't allow myself to complain about having to see a freshly dead person when it's Veterans Day. 22:37:40
My Life Yesterday
November 12, 2013
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