• There are so many people walking crookedly around in pained broken bodies. The world needs a lot of massages. 09:43:46
  • A few explicit spontaneous camera phone porn pics from last night & Seattle in November: http://t.co/zk9cZpzKqD 11:02:46
  • Guy leaned out of truck window, flexing his bicep at me, hollering unintelligibly. Pretty sure he was challenging me to a fight. 14:43:25
  • Lucky 4 him his partner kept driving; I'm totally in the mood to stomp on someone's face, rip his arm off & fistfuck myself with the stump. 14:46:04
  • Anyway … This river of testosterone flowing through my sinew makes me think I should go back on the pill. 14:48:14
  • That whole "never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about" thing is crazy fucking stalker asshole delusional advice. 15:32:43
  • Having said that, I've been thinking every day about someone I shouldn't. & practicing giving up by congratulating self for not texting him. 15:36:21
  • Getting nails & waxing done, there's a chick customer acting like a total fucking entitled bitch. Have to be somewhere NOW? Go, bitch… GO. 17:38:36
  • @davidsteinle what does #wcw mean? in reply to davidsteinle 22:36:20
  • Oh man . . . I can't go home Friday morning because it will totally puck up my foop schedule, and with it my long-awaited sexy time. 22:43:17