- My morning wanker radar is strong. I see an email from someone to @DeliaTS that I'm going to seriously fuck with. He's going to love it. 10:14:05
- This woman is STUNNING: http://t.co/rKkyZhDFKw — well worth a THREE DOLLAR gold show buy-in. 10:28:40
- OMG she looks a lot like Leighton Meester in the beautiful fucking face: http://t.co/rKkyZhDFKw 10:30:09
- I woke up feeling so good after a couple of lazy days & three nights of great sleep alone. Feeling recharged, hopeful . . . & unapologetic. 11:21:04
- I need a ride today to pick up car from shop; going to pay my married boyfriend for the favor with a quickie: keep an eye on the cams! 15:27:11
- Note: paying for mundane favors with sexual favors is one of my favorite games.
- LOL @BOBCATGIRL – let me repay you for MONTHS of favor! My mouth, hands, pussy, various accoutrements, wife, etc. all may be called in. in reply to BOBCATGIRL 17:53:27
- That moment you realize "I'm not eating the spinach quinoa salad, Ive got lime & chileTostitos and hot runny diarrhea nacho cheese!" 19:06:18
- … and chicken strips and wasabi seaweed and … and … WHO FORGOT THE DING DONGS?!? 19:13:21
- OMFG Data! You totally don't understand you're messing up O'Brien's & Keiko's wedding day love, do you! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL #stoned 19:17:49
- "Irony is a form of expression I have not yet mastered." Sigh – becoming a convincing mimic is not the triumph you hoped for, Data/Trixie. 19:26:14
- When Dr. Beverly Crusher & her sweet ginger pussy take the lead, I swoon. 19:38:44
- I wish Riker would make himself useful & instruct Data in how to suck cock like a REAL boy. 19:40:33
- Ohhhhh, Picard … you beautifully starched bad ass … 19:59:04
- If I get my sorta-like-a-cult going, I wonder if I can get @BOBCATGIRL to be the high priestits / alpha dramatic mind melter . . . 21:49:31
- You know when you're really worried about your family & it makes you mad at them? Like "WHY CAN'T SHE PUT THIS SHIT ON THE CALENDAR?!?" 22:42:14
- She'll probably read this and be like, "Why don't you smoke less & REMEMBER WHAT I GODDAMNED TELL YOU?!?" 22:43:10
- Very hard to restrain myself at this point from driving to Seattle right now in busted up van with expired tabs. Hate this not-knowing. 22:59:14
- Phew! Finally she thought to get her phone out of her pocket of her whatever hanging in the closet. >:( Everybody please spank @DeliaTS ! 23:09:01
My Life Yesterday
November 19, 2013
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