- I *really* want to watch that video of the removal of the 25 year-old blackhead, but I'll never get to if I keep waking up with nausea. 09:42:11
- We don't deserve to see this ass for free but HEY! http://t.co/PE1jwiGfGy "psuedo intellectuals trying to get in my head will be blocked" 09:49:18
- I want an exclusive with her: http://t.co/PE1jwiGfGy "I understand showmanship & creative interpretation." 09:54:02
- I wish girls would understand how much their titties are worth just to LOOK at. 09:55:53
- RT @DeliaTS: Ahhh … now that's a much better way to start a cold December morning! #cozycoffeetime http://t.co/FlsCyuvhdS 11:12:09
- Sigh. Our video editing software doesn't like my phone's vids. Video not synced to audio. @DeliaTS is stepping up to troubleshoot. 13:00:37
- The last three years for me have either been learning to be more efficient . . . or adjusting my approach to opt for learned helplessness. 13:01:12
- I'm exaggerating. I am (still) learning how to ask for help & LET people help me. That's a good thing. Still LOTS for me to do myself. 13:44:52
- I guess if I want to make camera phone porn videos I need a phone that doesn't fuck with the frame rates. Common BULLSHIT problem. 14:04:24
- Better news: got @Dextronet Swift To-Do List running from my @Dropbox so I can use it all over blazes! Great for living & working 2+ places. 14:19:54
- How I "cope" with PMS. #GuiltyPleasures http://t.co/wbRdDP1YVB 17:41:04
- These Amarillo cops are so fucking scary with syrup on top. The stuff of nightmares & other Jim Thompson novels. 19:19:48
- Is there something in the star charts making dudes extra amorous today? 21:12:27
My Life Yesterday
December 30, 2013
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