Find the List? Or JUST DO IT??


QUESTION: what if you make a list (on paper) breaking down something you want to accomplish into doable subtasks, or a list of things you want to cover in a blog entry?


What do you do:

  1. try to find the list
  2. make a new list
  3. commence with the project or writing the blog entry without the list

I’m in this predicament often. The past few days I’ve been in it with a blog picture-post; I made a list of my favorite & best pictures (about a dozen out of seventy) that I wanted to edit and then perhaps narrow down some more. I spent a couple of minutes looking for the list in three or four places and couldn’t find it. It’s possible I left the list in our Seattle apartment.

What would you do? Keep looking for the list or start over?

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Turns out having a huge load of cum oozing all hot out of a bald pussy & rubbing it all over it feels REALLY FUCKING NASTY-AWESOME. 15:40:47
  • I hate that I'm one of those people who looks at someone like Jerry Ferrara now and SIGHS heavily about the "tragic" loss of weight/hotness. 15:43:23
  • Sending @Toni_KatVixen FB messages, wondering if a decent human being in my spot would know IMMEDIATELY to put seeing her husband on hold. in reply to Toni_KatVixen 17:41:13
  • RT @GOtrixieracerGO: Selling Lexus ES300 filled with new & valuable Adult Industry items –
    Ideal for strippers or po… 22:22:45
  • Can someone please bring me pop, sausage & brownies? @DeliaTS' lemon Greek yogurt us NOT hitting the spot. 22:39:51
  • So thankful All About Eve is on @netflix – I just wish there were less of Miss Eve Harrington … and more more MORE Bette Davis. 22:44:42

My Life Yesterday

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  • Do you ever wake up in the middle of your night and just start crying in the dark over the profoundly beautiful absurd gifts of life? 07:43:28
  • Is this a Hagrid stamp?!? I want HP stamps, too! 13:07:07
  • Me, naked outside today, before it started raining again: 15:00:59
  • RT @knighterrant76: if every time I think of @deliats a flower was born, we'll live in an eternal spring!
    Keep voting her at #XBIZAwards! h… 15:01:56
  • I like to save the gay beastie stories for special occasions. FYI: I just had two fast special occassions. 16:13:29
  • Raccoons have the cabin surrounded, chittering & thumping & jumping around trying to get in from below, above and the sides. 18:07:45
  • Playing with Adobe Bridge for the first time, wondering why it doesn't apply keywords to ALL the thumbs/files I have selected. 21:07:23
  • Dear @ATT – I would like to be able to receive and send texts. None coming through, and unable to send any of mine. Problem on 2 devices. 21:19:43
  • @ATT 98368 – been going on over a week intermittently that we know of. in reply to ATT 21:27:22

My Life Yesterday

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  • Winter. Sucking out my life force. Just want to stay in bed doing a Deadliest Catch marathon. 10:20:54
  • Sawed-off tree trunk looks like a full moon in one of my naked camera-phone pics @DeliaTS took at night yesterday: 17:25:22
  • In the cabin nervously doing the bills as the wind blows hard & branches scrape the metal roof. Afraid I'll be tree-crushed. 18:36:10
  • Looking @ old pics & webcam screenshots I can't believe how tiny I was. Look at this guy's hand compared to my butt! 19:35:06
  • What a waste. I totally squandered my body when it could have been healthy and ridiculously spry . . . and taboo-looking. 19:36:35

My Life Yesterday

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  • Just had the best longest orgasm with my eroscillator on my clit & fingers on & in between my smooth puffy pussy lips. 02:42:31
  • OMG seriously; my pussy is still spazzing out two whole songs later. Swollen labia from Brazilian wax contributing? Thumping ricochet twat! 02:48:16
  • Sleep-deprived, nauseous, horny. Not a comfortable combo when riding public transportation. 10:00:09
  • Squeeeeee! So excited to be back home with @DeliaTS !! I wish I weren't so hungry sleepy, because my still-puffy pussy is craving ACTION. 12:40:23

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Falling asleep to Art Tatum playing 1 of my fave songs: Blue Skies. An old-fashioned pop song written in a minor key for tragic depressives. 04:54:14
  • Notes & nudie pics from my last hairy day: Waxing into ridic late night babyish fantasies & memories. 10:01:44
  • I hope a future waits for our children where there's no such headline telling them how SHOCKING certain "people" look without makeup. 10:06:39
  • How are people feeling about Adobe Creative Cloud? Worth the money? Hanging onto old versions? Switching to other tools instead? 12:04:09
  • RT @Elligirl: Today I recommend you follow and support my fellow lingerie addict and overall sexy lady: @juliastockings #FreePRADay 12:21:26
  • I can't remember which toothbrush is mine and which one is @DeliaTS . . . and you may be surprised I'm actually not into toothbrush sharing. 14:05:07
  • Bald-cunted. Shivering. 2 luna bars=all I've eaten all day. Want warm salty food and a hairy naked man brought into bed. Must settle 4 zero. 19:41:52
  • My wife @DeliaTS is erect and playing with herself live on cam right now. Want to join in? Go here: 20:06:41

My Life Yesterday

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  • A few moments from yesterday: 17:11:41
  • I'm pretty lost when it comes to deciding when I should and when I shouldn't push my boundaries. When to be brave or be stupid or be safe. 17:25:51

My Life Yesterday

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  • Remember the days when you heard crackles, a slam & dial tone when someone hung up on you? Now what you do with the call is END IT. #silence 00:00:30
  • Got @DeliaTS to say "corn syrup" with a longing like Chewbacca's daughter. But she doesn't seem too keen on the whole Tranny Wookie concept. 10:07:05
  • It feels like my cheekbones & lower eye socket bones are slowly, puffily lifting…elevating to try to meet brow bones. #cannatonic 10:10:59
  • Low light snapshot of @DeliaTS fucking me last night: 11:05:06
  • Did I forget to mention my first publicly-announced goal for 2014? It has to do with my butt: 11:05:48
  • It was shaped like a thicker one of those cheap g-spotting vibes . . . like a candycane with an underdeveloped hook. #poop of the day 11:16:30
  • Do people still write Visions and Mission Statements and Goals & stuff for their businesses? Any of you do that? Especially adult industry? 11:54:45
  • Listening to The Bookhouse Boys on repeat, scheming, & thinking of recent pilgrimage to The Mill. 12:11:02
  • Song called "My Hears Stood Still" evokes significantly different (& way cooler) emotional events than "My Heart Stood Still" does. #hearse 12:42:46
  • Going to start describing ads & stories & pictures & moments that touch me as "hearse-warming". Seeing that baby dance? SO hearse-warming. 12:44:16
  • Haha – one of @DeliaTS fave bands pops up when I google tranny wookie naked: 13:03:32
  • And then there could be "The Day the Hearse Stood Still". 13:25:44
  • Awwww yeah! Grinning with fluttery heart over flirtation with one of my taco girls heating up to flattering level. 14:30:42
  • @I_am_Cliff Hahaha! in reply to I_am_Cliff 14:57:55
  • Gary Burton's Good Vibes is the best to play when getting ready to shoot some porno featuring your hot wife. In this case, @DeliaTS. 15:17:31
  • Just had a sweaty junior high emotional outburst. Going to fix my hair now so @DeliaTS & I can go to movie! Have a hilarious Saturday night. 18:42:00

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