- Remember the days when you heard crackles, a slam & dial tone when someone hung up on you? Now what you do with the call is END IT. #silence 00:00:30
- Got @DeliaTS to say "corn syrup" with a longing like Chewbacca's daughter. But she doesn't seem too keen on the whole Tranny Wookie concept. 10:07:05
- It feels like my cheekbones & lower eye socket bones are slowly, puffily lifting…elevating to try to meet brow bones. #cannatonic 10:10:59
- Low light snapshot of @DeliaTS fucking me last night: http://t.co/tUrPaGbm2I 11:05:06
- Did I forget to mention my first publicly-announced goal for 2014? It has to do with my butt: http://t.co/n6Yw8Fanvj 11:05:48
- It was shaped like a thicker one of those cheap g-spotting vibes . . . like a candycane with an underdeveloped hook. #poop of the day 11:16:30
- Do people still write Visions and Mission Statements and Goals & stuff for their businesses? Any of you do that? Especially adult industry? 11:54:45
- Listening to The Bookhouse Boys on repeat, scheming, & thinking of recent pilgrimage to The Mill. http://t.co/LC9JFUAjLW 12:11:02
- Song called "My Hears Stood Still" evokes significantly different (& way cooler) emotional events than "My Heart Stood Still" does. #hearse 12:42:46
- Going to start describing ads & stories & pictures & moments that touch me as "hearse-warming". Seeing that baby dance? SO hearse-warming. 12:44:16
- Haha – one of @DeliaTS fave bands pops up when I google tranny wookie naked: http://t.co/BlAygZT67R 13:03:32
- And then there could be "The Day the Hearse Stood Still". 13:25:44
- Awwww yeah! Grinning with fluttery heart over flirtation with one of my taco girls heating up to flattering level. 14:30:42
- @I_am_Cliff Hahaha! in reply to I_am_Cliff 14:57:55
- Gary Burton's Good Vibes is the best to play when getting ready to shoot some porno featuring your hot wife. In this case, @DeliaTS. 15:17:31
- Just had a sweaty junior high emotional outburst. Going to fix my hair now so @DeliaTS & I can go to movie! Have a hilarious Saturday night. 18:42:00
My Life Yesterday
January 5, 2014
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