- We need a new drive again for our sites and stuff so we might be down for "a few hours" sometime in the near future . . . 10:32:02
- How much content do we have we online for you as homemade indie porn mavens? Our 500GB drive is at 96% capacity.
Hello, 1TB upgrade. 11:10:31
- I'm not very good at sitting "alone" at a table with other people in crowded restaurant and not joining in convo. Must relax. 14:12:53
- I'm not a city mouse. Or a country mouse. I'm an uncomfortable-everywhere mouse. Until you hand me a bowl of chewy delicious perfect pasta. 14:34:17
- So annoying when heavy drinkers review delicious food as "bland", needing more salt, etc. You can't taste flavors BECAUSE YOU'RE PICKLED. 15:29:14
- Opening birthday presents got in the mail from my sister & nephews. #SpringBaby http://t.co/O0wBfGDDkr 17:55:47
- My wife @DeliaTS gave me this just to get me out of her hair b4 show: "get yourself something @the concession honey" http://t.co/GCLSmXrNc1 20:44:13
- OMG HAHAHAHA! @DeliaTS just opened a door into someone's face! Wait, maybe it was just into a door opening in as she opened out. Stll #LOL 20:47:46
- WOW – never knew #Skittles #popcorn & #GrapeCrush could taste so good, even laughing so hard blowing sweet purple fizz through nose. #stoned 20:52:56
- Sigh. I can't believe nobody else can har that helicopter sound. Or is it a prop plane in an old WWII documentary? 21:16:44
- OMFG I feel like this whole upper balcony is about to be strafed… Am I schizo? 21:20:12
- Kinda thankful I'm distracted from mild auditory hallucinations by acrid scent of cologne cloud carried by brunette emo version of SethGreen 21:22:40
- The only good thing about this music is it made the helicopters stop. #MyWifeLovesJamBands #stoned but #notstonedenough #jk #sortof 21:39:44
- I earned the right to sit on this toilet & tweet as long as I want regardless of line length after mopping Seattle-bitch-piss off the seat. 21:43:39
- Okay I'll go back in after this song is over. {{giggling with victory over jam band / this song will NEVER end}} 21:45:37
My Life Yesterday
March 22, 2014
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