- I wish I were smarter so that whenever I interact with humans I wouldn't stay up all night remembering everything I did & said wrong. 00:17:15
- My wife @DeliaTS is frying bacon & eggs, Traveling Wilburies are playing, the sun is up, & a pretty boy with a big dick wants to be babied. 09:21:51
- Indeed, it is, @pg2400 – and I didn't even mention coffee & strawberry smoothie … & that we're eating it in our nice big Seattle bed. in reply to pg2400 09:36:33
- Dear fans of mine + taboo role plays: what role do you most like/want to see me playing? Feel free to respond via email, etc if not here. 09:38:48
- Mommy, daddy, daughter, (Sunday school teacher – a personal fave of mine), minister, doctor, sister, etc. Sweet? Mean? Who with? 09:43:14
- Oh my word, @Sonia_Hotwife – who is the beautiful woman with you in this pic? in reply to Sonia_Hotwife 09:58:06
- The media should be fined every time they report on #flooding &/or mud/#landslides without mentioning overdevelopment -> run-off, etc. 11:39:20
- RT @DeliaTS: OMG, I am soooo loving the raw footage from the scene that @tastytrixie shot of @ChArmstrongXXX and I yesterday!!! #mtf #ftm … 18:19:46
- Been working on a website w/@DeliaTS since breakfast except for taking a break to see Gravity in 3D. Silly in some ways, loved it in others. 22:32:47
My Life Yesterday
March 24, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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