- Happy morning powering up with space guitars on @heartsofspace & sun brightening, improved body, hot chocolate & peanut butter toast. 10:02:23
- I'm going to do many good, simple, quiet healthy, forward-moving, foundation-strengthening things today. 10:04:08
- Thanks you, @DonPolloLoco
in reply to DonPolloLoco 15:19:43
- Sun on my cramps before the blood even comes. http://t.co/K0tN3aDiQk 15:35:16
- A better naked picture of me with the sun on my back: http://t.co/NtGajFvUDq (and some notes on personal porn site goals/visions) 16:26:15
- RT @Seska: 16 years of sharing on the Internet – sharing way more than any sane person should – and it is never enough or specific enough. … 16:27:26
- RT @BloodyTrixie: 29 day cycle compared to 36 last time = being healthier & cutting down stress WORKS. I love you, body! Thank you for bein… 17:11:23
- No, @DonPolloLoco – I am married to @DeliaTS & I do not hook up with people via my Trixie web presence. Sets everyone up for disappointment. in reply to DonPolloLoco 19:07:15
- ((she says as she works on updating her "prospects" spreadsheet)) 19:11:38
- Aaaaaand about to go to bed, suddenly missing @DeliaTS so much I got a burst of want-to-cry. Glad she's coming home tomorrow! 23:18:31
My Life Yesterday
March 30, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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