- RT @pkChinensis: "Awkward Sex Comics" can be purchased online now, with proceeds going to Scarleteen: http://t.co/jGK8Q5ZFng 09:17:30
- RT @GYNTK: #camgirls are the best & @AmberLily is one of the bestest! http://t.co/j6rMGPYPYf 09:18:05
- My period started this morning! Pretty much confirms a pattern here where one of my egg bombs is lazier than the other. #LateFiringOvary 09:27:48
- Sudden burst of energy & I am galloping! GALLOPING around the house!
Okay. That passed. 09:43:17
- RT @raindegrey: Social media becomes a lot more tolerable when you realize that you are under no obligation to respond to the endless messa… 09:47:42
- RT @LuxAlptraum: Hey @instagram, if you ban porn performers like @jizlee for showing nipple, why is it totally cool for Rihanna to post top… 09:48:55
- RT @TheOnion: Teen Boys Losing Virginity Earlier And Earlier, Report Teen Boys http://t.co/huL7YcPbvE http://t.co/1sDcm66mzx 12:49:51
- Adorable 4'9" busty @NerdgasmGirl is LIVE right now on cam: http://t.co/q5njvsIZ1Z 17:35:28
- So glad @DeliaTS is home! There's nothing more romantic than watching #TheJeffreyDahmerFiles with your wife. I mean MY wife. Not yours. 21:17:38
- Seriously . . . #Knuckleball & #TheJeffreyDahmerFiles are a great @netflix #DoubleFeature . . . kinda the same movie for me in some ways. 21:19:51
My Life Yesterday
April 30, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
My Life Yesterday
April 29, 2014
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- I feel very very happy right now. #spring #sunshine #quietbutforbirdsandwind http://t.co/ev40k6E46v 12:35:26
- Saskatoon . . . and my boob! http://t.co/ZDPQmTIoZc #NativePlantAppreciationWeek 20:43:30
- RT @SophiaSylvan: @tastytrixie Sometimes people make me feel I should be ashamed for painting self portraits too, like I'm self absorbed. U… 21:25:32
My Life Yesterday
April 28, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- It's a good morning. http://t.co/bXEtLSubbF 07:45:50
- I'm going to poop while watching/listening to/spying on http://t.co/STzLTmrH9V with her happy cartoony dollface dance music. 08:00:31
- Perfectly innocent, but that felt so transgressive & delightful. Like a continuation of the barbie dream I had. 08:05:50
- RT @iamcuriousblue: Project Rose document, including how to force #strippers into "treatment" http://t.co/y1hgsSkJNb #sexwork #sexworkers (… 08:06:27
- From now on I'm going to call my very best poops "Russian Ecstasy". 08:24:17
- Is there anybody out there who compares to Jeff Buckley I should know about? 11:00:29
- RT @Big_Darth: DOJ is coming after sex workers. It's 2257 style BS all over again. https://t.co/aTcpHE3fP9 16:07:55
- RT @lily_cade: I never say anything I don't mean, if only just a little bit. When I'm acting, I'm being someone, and I'm that person in tha… 16:59:23
- RT @SabineFutura: I'm really not getting as much out of social media as I used to. The pro column is dwindling, the con column just fills u… 17:00:05
- A little self-shot black & white video to go with nudie #potd : http://t.co/t27vrLQAj9 – subtle armpit hair & laying my boobs on the floor! 17:01:26
- I miss my wife. But YOU don't have to! She's entertaining live on cam in (and out of) a cute happy outfit: http://t.co/cvcARnTVsj 20:01:09
- HOLY AWESOME CLIT, @ChaosChloe @InTheWoods01 ! in reply to ChaosChloe 20:05:30
- I swear I just saw you do a partial Bewitched magic-nose move, @DeliaTS . . . 20:08:27
- No makeup, but I'm definitely wearing a filter. http://t.co/8Sp7XGr3L7 21:33:49
My Life Yesterday
April 27, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I <3 this camgirl who has "a theater & film backround so I understand showmanship & creative interpretation." http://t.co/zQcc0gVs3W 10:25:25
- YAY for interracial girl/girl!!! http://t.co/OXlemY2SG9 – pretty juicy girls in their early twenties with big natural tits! 10:30:39
- Holy freaky gust of wind … Felt Luke I should duck & cover. Yikes! 21:09:04
My Life Yesterday
April 26, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- My wife @DeliaTS is looking super MILFy w/her hair straightened & Seattle sunshine gleaming behind her: http://t.co/WoIaJmwvil 16:15:56
- Yesterday's self-shot nudie #potd w/rain http://t.co/IKE4mlM0Oz
Today's with sun: http://t.co/sFPPZFqJ5I 16:52:30 - RT @whorephobia: The whorephobic moral panics around the idea we taint tech by using it has been seen over and over again. Newflash we were… 21:18:45
- My bedtime snack consists of gleaming little white anchovies … and fritos. 22:21:13
- It's,amazing how much Ambien DOESN'T make me sleepy. My leg is shaking, though. But that's because of the masturbating. #sex #drugs & #RLS 23:29:16
My Life Yesterday
April 25, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- I really want to watch Real Housewives of BH or OC right now but it gets so depressing I'm thrown into spiritiual crisis. Better JO instead. 00:32:03
- Yes, I do sometimes feel disgusted by the porn & stuff that makes me come hardest & fastest. 01:14:10
- RT @DeliaTS: Two nights of camming IN A ROW . . . I'm on a roll! http://t.co/UcxIl8VaJk 20:49:28
My Life Yesterday
April 24, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Topless with wind blowing through my hair: http://t.co/BILY5ZJZ3F 02:51:19
- Been futzing with our video download store a little bit including *starting* to go back and enable preview clips: http://t.co/Ga4M5Dzt98 03:14:35
- (our actual videos are always way better than sample clips, free versions, or preview images formatted for or by other platforms) 03:15:51
- My nails are so fucking strong again now that I've been off the pill for over a year. Especially the pinky nails for some odd reason. 03:32:10
- At home alone, recharging my batteries in solitude. Wallowing in the stillness & invisibility of this non-city night. 04:13:39
- I need people in my life as much as neurotypical people do. I just don't need as much OF people. And I do very poorly with too much. 04:40:26
- I wake up back at home. The Japanese Maple totally leafed out in our absence & an animal deposited one thick steak fry by a pile of puke. 11:18:00
- And just like that, while I was tweeting, the fry & fry-puke on the backyard sidewalk WAS EATEN UP by an unknown creature! #CircleOfLife 11:28:08
- I'm HAIRY right now . . . but not on cam doing a $4 show like this younger, tighter hottie: http://t.co/ko1sGaLiwq 11:33:53
- Distracted from doing the bills by fatigue & fascination with extremely strong dryly-sticky beautiful magic-seeming cob or spiderweb. 15:34:30
- My wife @DeliaTS is very good;after doing the bills I called & told her we need X amount of dollars, so she's LIVE: http://t.co/pv7MliqZEO 19:11:44
- Is what The Enquired says about Megan Huntsman true?!?
Yes, I'm stoned. But just answer the question anyway! PLEASE! I don't have tv! 23:35:06
- You must forgive me. I have PMS & motherfucking Safeway never has goddamn brownies. So I got pie. And ice cream & a motherfucking Enquirer!! 23:38:34
My Life Yesterday
April 23, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Thanks & {{hugs}}, @JaneBurgess – I am very VERY lucky @DeliaTS is my mate & for the 12+ years of experience, growth & love we have so far. in reply to JaneBurgess 17:22:20
- Where AM I that I'm now surrounded by teenaged boys in lacrosse uniforms? This is a strange foreign land. You may fantasize but I'm nervous. 19:21:43
- Thanks for recommending & loaning this book to me, @BOBCATGIRL – I'm loving it. http://t.co/zpQu8geG7i 19:23:52
- Sometimes there's noone more comforting to chat with as midnight approaches than a friend who hates the sun & the out-of-doors. 23:59:43
My Life Yesterday
April 22, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Been compulsively checking @elegantthemes to see if the new Divi is ready . . . . 09:27:29
- This is rad & sensible: Female Penis, Male Vagina: First Case of Genital Reversal in Nature Reported http://t.co/1QldtJ3Bze via @LiveScience 10:53:49
- RT @ParkerMolloy: U.S. Department of Justice Launches Trans Outreach Training Initiative http://t.co/bwSho8PYvC cc: @TheAdvocateMag 15:47:34
- RT @GayCityHealth: This UK doctor, commenting on the advancements of HIV treatment and care, points out that HIV can now be more… http://… 15:55:22
- Bare feet & jelly! http://t.co/OEw5cxVxLX Wearing only @DeliaTS shorts.
- Pretty poster behind young pierced camboy @Johnny___Angel : http://t.co/ScSf6EzSW7
My Life Yesterday
April 21, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
- Very content after coming with @DeliaTS inside me while watching silly-hot 3D monster porn. 00:48:09
- Sweet Easter treat at impromptu visit to Beth's Cafe with deliats #AmishFriendshipBread http://t.co/MTAbYF0yds 20:18:04
- Skewed human proportions in my nudie #potd – http://t.co/lZUXXuiM5o 20:30:00