- Want to see @AmberLily live on cam & chat w/her AND get 5 of her vids for only $10?
http://t.co/cUlaouibzZ 00:10:11
- Allowing myself caffeine in the form of @DeliaTS delicious #coffee … We're gonna shoot some solo porn for http://t.co/feqBDlNC5b today. 10:26:43
- Well, my goodness, @BrittanyBendz ! I'm honored to be included
@MsWhitneyMorgan @SamanthaGrace in reply to BrittanyBendz 10:46:22
- Need to RUN, need to FUCK, need to THROW & BREAK THINGS . . . caffeine wearing off plus need more estrogen? 13:46:16
- RT @ThatSabineGirl: Anti #sexwork #feminism is misogynist,patriarchal, denies women agency and a voice, and has goals which directly harm w… 13:47:50
- A dramatic rendering I did in 5 minutes of Wednesday's doctor appointment: http://t.co/fLeuHQJluM 13:59:06
- Unmoderated hate, unmoderated hysteria, unmoderated hurtfulness, unmoderated have-to's . . . social networking blaaaaaaah #overwhelm. 14:05:45
- Just posted a (no make-up) vlog for members. My brain is so lively I circle around, pick up & finish 9 dropped trains of thoughts! 21:57:48
- The crescent moon is so beautiful low in the sky behind trees right now. Glad @DeliaTS is here with me to see it. 23:41:34
My Life Yesterday
April 5, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment