• I just reread this & wonder why I would suggest people NOT read it: " http://t.co/5efIewI5np I recommend JUST LOOKING AT THE PICTURES…" 01:23:42
  • Also: I was so glad @DeliaTS called & misses me because I was just thinking I miss her but didn't want to bug her with another call. 01:26:21
  • Thinking with a smile on my face about a pivotal (in my life & our relationship) talk at Point Defiance almost 12 years ago with @DeliaTS . 02:25:09
  • There are people who can recall & recite what was said. I recall the quality of light, sitting on the ground by a hedge. And it was IT! 02:27:48
  • I remember in feelings, pictures & a few key words. I remember what it MEANT. I remember it was important. The gist in guts, heart & spirit. 02:30:52
  • A word-for-word transcript would fail to tell the story. Faith is the knowledge that passes between & is only understood by us. Words fail. 02:36:07
  • Yup, @Dowling1981 – you can read a little about @DeliaTS & I getting married here: http://t.co/b0IKZYbkpp in reply to Dowling1981 09:28:53
  • Oh, @Dowling1981 …now I see you were asking about 12 years ago πŸ˜‰ @DeliaTS didn't marry me then … She held out a little longer hehe. in reply to Dowling1981 09:30:54
  • So yeah … Pretty much started masturbating upon waking this morning. One of the orgasms happened on our spycams. {closes curtains again} 09:32:47
  • Actually, @CybrJoe20 I'd rather every day began with a perfect servant turning on new age music & gently waking me by saying… in reply to CybrJoe20 09:50:27
  • "Let me sponge bathe your anus, Master Trixie … it's time for your massage. Here's your tea & something delightful to look at." 09:53:09
  • One person's Memorial Day post: http://t.co/ddsDcEkZKt 10:12:24
  • It is so weird to be a 10-years-"older woman" to a full-grown 31 year-old man. 10:21:17
  • Not really, @CybrJoe20 – I'm very particular about how my tea is made & my anus is bathed, and prone to fits of rage if improperly done. in reply to CybrJoe20 10:24:47
  • Hashtags for technical brainy things used primarily by people who don't speak English as 1st language. Future not bright for North Americans 10:33:10
  • RT @tainx_: #yesallwoman because when i'm raped it's considered 'theft' 10:38:02
  • RT @DrGloriaBrame: an old friend of mine, former military, once said the only reason he still wondered if there might be a God was the exis… 10:41:07
  • Foreplay for me can be watching someone approach, savoring feeling the distance slowly closing. It can also be a dick in my mouth. 10:46:02
  • The immediacy of the internet & mobiles degrades thought by making writing stuff FAST more important than quality, accuracy or kindness. 12:15:22
  • RT @4lisaguerrero: Because I routinely get sexually harassed online (including rape threats) after my investigations air.
    Male reporters d… 13:40:57
  • LOL @ someone downplaying rape threats by referring to them as "not respecting boundaries". Whatever. 13:46:09
  • @Elligirl this past year has been like a super sudden change for me with my skin/flesh noticeably showing age, too. in reply to Elligirl 13:50:11
  • @trubluedave I just noticed your (new?) pic! It is good to see your face πŸ™‚ 13:58:22
  • RT @AaliyahLove69: A random stranger is telling me he wishes I would die. And the response I will get is "just ignore trolls" #yesallwomen 14:38:44
  • RT @AaliyahLove69: β€œ@WilsonPeterson1: @AaliyahLove69 If you don't want negative comments, don't be half naked online. It is your problem.” … 14:38:53
  • @Elligirl Thanks. I'm looking on the bright side that if I'm suddenly having a big hard time with it, I'll be over grieving about it sooner. in reply to Elligirl 16:15:12
  • These days what I worry about most re: meeting people from the interwebs in real life is that they'll have bad breath / yucky mouths. 18:00:23
  • So yeah, I think that demonstrates that I don't live in fear just because I acknowledge misogyny is real & huge & impacts all of us. 18:02:07
  • But just an fyi: the most scared I've ever been with a man in my bed was a beefy govt goon with a limp dick, & rapiest was YUP a cop. 18:04:23
  • I don't understand why so many reasonably intelligent people don't understand what is meant by "taboo" &/or "role play". 18:09:05
  • Note: when I say misogyny impacts all of us, I do not mean EQUALLY. Just like, yes … misandry is real & ugly, but come on. 18:33:14
  • When I was little, I watched my mom being raped. How many people have seen their dads being raped compared to moms? #YesAllWomen 18:44:41
  • Another note: I'm absolutely NOT saying that men aren't /can't be victims of rape, intimate violence, abuse &/or assault. 18:54:52
  • @AddyDrew2 many many children witness a sibling and/or mom or caretaker being raped. Other situations too make it less rare than you think. in reply to AddyDrew2 19:01:23
  • @AddyDrew2 and look at Sandusky … people saw him raping. in reply to AddyDrew2 19:03:21
  • @alendrel mostly yeah, but being in the porn industry I disagree. Barely, but still. Prbly wouldn't succeed w/o piggybacking misogyny though in reply to alendrel 19:06:59
  • @alendrel & yes, regs & laws against porn & sex work mostly impact women & other minorities, but policies r influenced by misandry, I think. in reply to alendrel 19:10:44
  • @alendrel I hear you & appreciate those arguments & think they're important 4 people to hear but think it's less clearly bounded than that. in reply to alendrel 19:14:22
  • @alendrel I think it's a semantic issue, like people who resist calling (ex.) ejaculating on someone's face "rape" because it's not piv. in reply to alendrel 19:21:18
  • @alendrel they are. Absolutely. Call me old-fashioned, but we need more words & in meantime not to disallow the imperfectly broad ones. in reply to alendrel 19:24:37
  • @alendrel also, defining things strictly by their largest systemic reach fails to recognize the power of communities & families. in reply to alendrel 19:27:00
  • @alendrel it is because I disagree with that logic that I still insist on identifying as a feminist in spite of some shitty ass things. in reply to alendrel 19:29:07
  • @alendrel if I were immersed in that shit, I probably would too. πŸ˜‰ in reply to alendrel 19:31:02
  • @alendrel likewise! in reply to alendrel 19:32:38
  • @alendrel absolutely. Though for many fathers fighting to see & parent their children, that small turd is a devastating constant shitstorm. in reply to alendrel 19:35:22
  • @alendrel yes. I think feminism also means valuing individuals, families & communities at least as much as big systems & governments. in reply to alendrel 19:39:15
  • @alendrel yeah, that's why folks derailing yesallwoken w/ notallmen SUCK. In my timeline w/my audience I can afford to make concessions tho. in reply to alendrel 19:41:51
  • @alendrel exactly. I just don't think by *everyone* narrowing or reducing the meaning(s) & apps of words like misandry we do that better. in reply to alendrel 19:45:44
  • @alendrel no, but my brain will be sure to disappoint you eventually if said crush lasts any significant period of time. in reply to alendrel 19:48:35
  • @alendrel with my web presence & diverse audience, I try to make thing as accessible & relatable as possible without totally dumbing down. in reply to alendrel 19:52:03
  • @alendrel well, at the very least you have probably won the dubious honor of this being my longest Twitter discussion ever! in reply to alendrel 19:53:24
  • @alendrel oops … it's actually common for men to have been raped / sexually abused as kids & teens. Only rare to talk about it. in reply to alendrel 20:00:37
  • Maybe a lot of the insanity men spew is from resentment that they feel they can't talk about their own rapes & that they are bigger victims. 20:05:40
  • @alendrel college & the military. Unspoken don't ask, don't tell. Maybe we should include all the unreported, unheard rapes #MemorialDay in reply to alendrel 20:09:26
  • Military is biggest, most powerful trafficking organization(s) in the world. Recruiters in schools exploit kids, especially underprivileged. 20:12:17
  • @iam4stl2006 seriously fuck straight off, brainwashed simple-minded shit-sack. Stick your dumb assumptions about my patriotism up your ass. in reply to iam4stl2006 20:22:24
  • @iam4stl2006 the military has afforded us many many good things …. but MANY HORRIFIC ATROCITIES. And absolutely traffickers. in reply to iam4stl2006 20:26:35
  • @alendrel I'm a lover of ritual & many spritual & religious practices & willing suspender of disbelief-hope to start a church based on that. in reply to alendrel 20:34:45
  • I have to get off the Twitter now. 20:41:00
  • Memorial Day is probably the stupidest day to say it's unpatriotic to acknowledge that TEENAGERS have lost all under many false pretenses. 20:49:01
  • Remembering. It's still the opposite of forgetting, right? 20:50:14
  • FYI: I seriously considered joining up & it probably would have been great for me. My dad was in Korea, stepdad Army, brother Somalia etc. 20:57:28
  • My nudie #potd is from this morning's masturbation session: http://t.co/878bYeNp9l #selfie #nipple #bush 21:17:56
  • Whenever I stop compulsively wasting time & resources on one thing, I find three others to take its place. Annoyed by myself. 21:32:18