- RT @DeliaTS: I haven't been on cam this early on a Sunday in forever! http://t.co/eZaCW3JrAY 11:23:08
- @Seska What?!? Wait … WHAT?!?
{{shudders attempting to congratulate you on your brave evolution}} in reply to Seska 13:10:16
- @Seska ohhh, I maybe see what you're saying now. I too(?) am a notebook & paper addict / hoarder. in reply to Seska 13:18:40
- Diet Dr Pepper in the tiny cans has a very luxe perfumey exotic floral note following the initial tasty pruney fizz. #yummy 13:41:01
- There's a young 5'11" man I really want to shoot in stockings: a long-curly-haired ginger reminiscent of a Grace Coddington type or muse. 14:30:59
- There may be lots of reasons to loathe Bored to Death, but I can't help that (S1 anyway) makes me genuinely LOL. 20:53:48
My Life Yesterday
June 23, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment