- I thought I was really on top of my shit this morning, but just discovered I put my pants on backwards despite my best efforts. 10:05:27
- RT @frankenstein007: @tastytrixie reminds me slightly of joke about guy told to put potato in his pants to attract girls. "It didn't work!"… 10:11:56
- RT @Seska: New post: Clearing Space, Mindfulness & Sex http://t.co/PzpgX463QY 10:32:51
- Also, I have PMS which means I *definitely* need to get myself off very soon / when I get back from picking up those birth control pills. 10:47:51
- Yesterday I felt a little gloomy (with pics): http://t.co/iHosAbqJP4 – Glad I'll be with @DeliaTS tonight. 11:54:45
- Sorry, fucktards; honking is not going to open the Hood Canal Bridge back up to traffic.
23 minutes & counting. 13:23:43
- I hate how the world has turned into a giant shitty communal telephone booth. Fuck the fuck off, noisy mindless motherfuckers. Yes, #PMS 14:03:29
- Maybe your client would rather everybody in line for the ferry NOT know all the details of her legal woes. #confidentiality #NoisePollution 14:14:00
- I'm an insufferable cunt. I don't know how anybody tolerates, let alone likes &/or loves me. Thanks, folks! 14:29:23
- That last tweet sounded WAY more dramatic than it should've. It's more of a "boy I'm obnoxious & grouchy!" ::shrug:: dealio. 16:27:55
- RT @sighclone: Another cold day but a good #gesture #sketch of @DeliaTS & a #shortblack are a good start to the day WARNING #nudity http://… 18:31:10
My Life Yesterday
June 25, 2014
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment