• This whole Trixie-getting-up-at-6-am to interview the Grace Coddington Grindcore Boy … IDK about it. 10:51:08
  • In past 2-3 years I've learned a ridiculous amount of stuff from being a pornographer w/an open marriage. About people/human nature/myself. 18:30:51
  • It took me hours & even some tears b4 recognizing I did something awesome today that I've always wanted & never done before. A true first. 18:36:33
  • I craaaaaave the privilege to be extravagantly financially generous to people and to decadently reward folks who work with & help us. 18:46:17
  • I need to be able to spoil and richly compensate people who get so fucking naked for me. I hate feeling like I'm an exploitative POS. 18:49:09
  • I feel richly inspired recently & my drive is picking up steam as my path becomes clearer.
    This is a love note tho it may not feel like 1. 18:57:54
  • My nudie pic for yesterday is not nearly as intimate & beautiful to me as the blue circle here: http://t.co/DvDsjVZ43S 19:46:45
  • Gooooood GAAAAWWWWD where can I find a five hour++++++ reel of car chases & tasings?!?!? 20:40:29
  • How do you distinguish between intuition & paranoia? 20:44:20
  • So sleepy but afraid to go to sleep. For a dumb reason. Still need a lot of work letting go of fears. 21:24:47