My Life Yesterday

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  • Thinking a lot about enthusiastic consent, and how it feels to have an orgasm on someone who didn't expressly, enthusiastically give it. 08:58:57
  • I actually embrace having less-than-enthusiastic consensual sex sometimes. But it's much harder to know how to deal with from this end. 09:05:13
  • It's not always a clear & simple thing to discover & do the right things in relationships. Especially when right for one is wrong for other. 09:12:40
  • There are so SO many things I don't know. But I do finally know the important difference between a McDouble & a Double Cheeseburger. 12:42:05
  • Haha, @KristiMaxx – for real! McDouble = two meat patties+ single cheese slice. Double Cheeseburger = two patties AND two cheese slices. in reply to KristiMaxx 16:19:30
  • Watching Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire, it's so easy to see straight through him to Christian Bale in American Psycho. 17:44:34
  • Everything I say here & on my blog is really true, but I do censor, selectively dramatize & just plain fail to note a whole lot. 18:27:43
  • I have a many-years-old blog post drafted about wanting to make everybody feel special, but it would further fail to do that. 18:29:37
  • Sometimes I don't post something special involving one person for fear it will make other people wonder why I didn't post *our* special too. 18:42:46
  • My vague love confessional failure philosophy full moon blog post will be removed tomorrow. 23:19:53

My Life Yesterday

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  • My fear of getting in trouble for buying the wrong kind of butter is delaying waffle time. "NEVER BUY FUCKING UNSALTED BUTTER!" 10:43:49
  • While I am spending another night here: 21:05:28
  • RT @AmberLily: I just farted on the dog. Revenge is sweet and smells like burnt potato chips. 21:06:27
  • RT @BOBCATGIRL: Many times tonight I looked around me and felt such gratitude for my life, it spilled from my heart, filled my chest & took… 21:06:59

My Life Yesterday

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  • @SophiaSylvan Good luck! It is hard to figure out how to/if we can have healthy relationships with parents who we also need boundaries with. in reply to SophiaSylvan 11:55:56
  • It's very interesting to brush up on the meanings of the basics, like "psychosis": 14:01:39
  • What I mean to say is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!
    I wish I could give you & others the amazing gift of #seroquel . . . maybe someday. #NoShame 14:04:17
  • Seriously. I know buttloads of pretty normal & awesome people, functioning passably, who exhibit a lot of those signs & symptoms. 14:08:52
  • Let me clarify: I *love* "crazy" people. I *am* a "crazy" person. I've been extremely well-loved by "crazy" people & wouldn't trade that in. 15:02:07
  • It's really weird to be at a boy's house. 22:18:15

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Getting to be chilly enough in the morning to warrant some FLAMES! 09:30:57
  • I feel like I'm missing out when my poo sinks all the way down in the toilet hole before I get a chance to see what it looks like. #poop 11:36:17
  • Our internet connection is/has been down. Using phone's wifi as temporary patch, but most spycams are down. @DeliaTS & I are OUT! 🙂 14:15:37
  • @trubluedave hahahaha – see, I KNEW you were good at this! in reply to trubluedave 14:35:17
  • It's not a very smart tv, @samsung , if it won't remember or offer to remember your network passwords. 20:49:16
  • Yes, @DeliaTS is home. Yes, we are on our spycams. Yes, we just fucked. Yes, we just fucked on our spycams. 🙂 23:08:59

My Life Yesterday

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  • Looking back on it years later, I must acknowledge the most romantic texts I got were the winter he was in the homeless shelter in Nebraska. 00:58:09
  • Dear @evernote – it would make sense / be more useful if I could CREATE NEW NOTEBOOKS on the fly as I save clips. #disorganized 11:27:42
  • Nothing FIRM on the calendar, @StonedEye – many prospects, but I really mainly want to see @DeliaTS & Taurus & they've been gone. in reply to StonedEye 11:48:11
  • Awww, thanks @StonedEye ! I'm glad you got to see some of the happy sex magic! in reply to StonedEye 11:54:14
  • Super excited about possibility of trip with a dear awesome friend where I can function in a support role & learn things not in my field(s). 13:38:49
  • Prayer can mean submitting yourself to mindful, joyous gratitude. Powerful whether or not I/you/we believe in a "God" who doesn't exist. 14:33:44
  • (but today I do believe in stuff that is really really good . . . which is why I'm going to spend some time praying thanksgiving) 14:39:51

My Life Yesterday

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  • Because this moth is so beautiful to me tonight, I know people can change. I can change. I want to change. 00:08:45
  • Listening to @kexp while doing the dishes = beautiful day. Except for crying so easily at stuff like #GoodnightIrene 12:41:53
  • RT @sexliesducttape: Listen to #SexWorkers
    I do not 'sell my body'. I sell my services. #SexWork is work.
    #FODI #QandA
    No more whorephobic/… 12:42:10
  • So anyhoo . . . maybe the pill isn't working so well for me this time around in my life. Going to have to go back off it, I think. 12:43:13
  • I love it when I go to the insufferable hippy store for groceries & realize at cashier I left wallet at home. Two trips, almost out of gas. 16:28:02
  • Awww, don't worry @Blanknewt2 – I'm fine & have researched how much gas is left when it hits "E" on our car, & am sticking close to home. 🙂 in reply to Blanknewt2 19:01:22
  • Last night it was the white moths who danced in the cabin loft. Tonight it's the bats outside our sleeping alcove's window. Enchanté. 20:29:11
  • I'm going to disregard all of the no-no SEO rules from now on since Google hates porn. LINKING MY PICS TO TOTALLY RANDOM SHIT. 20:45:32
  • Also not going to link to bigger pics. People are desensitized by Tumblr and Super Awesome Stimulation OVERLOAD! Gonna just link to ads. 🙂 20:48:58
  • I was never going to be an SEO guru anyway so I'm just going to fuck it all the way. SOOOOPURRRRRFUUUUUUUCKKKKKK! 20:52:00
  • Barton Fink is so much closer to my heart that The Big Lebowski. #LifeOfTheMind Glad it's on @netflix because I've only seen it once. 22:13:17
  • Thank fucking Hod (I've taken to calling Them that these days); this is the first time I've laughed in something like four fucking days. 22:17:59
  • It makes me mad when I refer to my dick & someone scoffs, "you don't HAVE a dick, Trixie." Fucking WORK with me, okay? 23:43:32

My Life Yesterday

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  • Sometimes you need to be able to wake up & give your nose a leisurely, thorough picking without it being broadcast via spycams. #lifecams 07:19:03
  • My fave app on my phone is the @farlex Free Dictionary app. 08:20:46
  • My RN little sister called to tell me what I'm fucking up with mental health care pros. It was a stressful & emotional but helpful talk. 17:41:26
  • Blows my mind knowing someone in China is looking at me now naked on the internet. That's super cool! Stolen credentials, but hey…whatevs. 18:02:59
  • @AddyDrew2 they're visiting my website, in reply to AddyDrew2 18:28:58
  • Like bare feet picking things up? Juicy little belly rolls?
    #soles #toes #BellyRolls 20:38:25
  • Sorry I had to turn the spycams off — had a great first part of the day & then since I got all emotional with my sister, I keep crying. 21:08:21
  • I should prepare for this crying jag to continue by being camera-ready tomorrow to shoot fetishy crying videos. Of course then I'll be DRY. 21:09:13
  • Cams back up! Just like that!! It passed!!! I'm blaming this at least partially on hormonal birth control. 21:13:53
  • Fuck this fucking paradox that researching crying fetish stuff just makes me soooooooo happy while inspiring me to do it! #TooDelightedToCry 21:18:44
  • Something that's so GOOD it makes me cry: @MindOfAChef – some of the episodes are so beautiful I weep. 21:43:49
  • RT @libby_lynn: Happy capitalization professional capitalization volunteer capitalization day! #realgasm #selfie #right?

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