My Life Yesterday

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  • 03:44 – can't sleep. 03:44:48
  • Watching ridiculous ST: Voyager episodes to pleasantly ride out the insomnia. So cozy. 03:46:15
  • RT @DeliaTS: Looks like we got our first snow of the year last night. Kind of fun to wake up to! 14:28:38
  • Checking out Powell's faves of 2014, and happy to see new Willy Vlautin I hadn't noticed b… 15:05:46
  • Me, naked in the snow today! PLUS more naked snow pics, and BLOG MARATHON tomorrow! 17:57:25
  • Just ordered a fancy work phone camera to function as my antisocial no-distractions efficiency device. Glad we have this extra line/number. 19:55:37
  • RT @milcahhalili: yes, i eat shit smoke fart fuck puke drool all of it #human 22:57:28
  • Going to take a bath, listen to Rachmaninoff's Vespers, and ___secret__ and ___secret___. 23:02:02

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • @sirbeast1269 Fortunately the store in our town wasn't even close to crowded when I tweeted that last night. It was almost relaxing! in reply to sirbeast1269 12:05:17
  • Remembered part of why the cam we're temporarily using in sleeping alcove doesn't work: BRIGHT BLUE LIGHTS ALL NIGHT LONG. Not healthy. 12:06:10
  • Just did some Thanksgiving fucking with @DeliaTS – LIVE on our lifecams! 🙂 🙂 🙂 19:41:57

My Life Yesterday

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  • This girl with the sheer unbuttoned blouse barely covering her tits & her accent is making me SO FUCKING HOT: 01:10:02
  • Grrrrrr I need to come a lot more since I lost weight. Really excited for @DeliaTS to come home tonight. I need her to lick me from behind. 11:06:23
  • I think I came five+ times yesterday over three different sessions (morning, afternoon, night) and . . . still not enough. LOSING MIND. 11:26:00
  • Fucking. Taurus. Is fucking. Some shit UP. Guys don't get it – you want to be in relationship with two women? WE WILL OWN YOUR ASS. 16:01:17
  • There are two voyeur cams back up upstairs at our house under @DeliaTS profile for members! BUT . . . 16:02:30
  • … I can't get the nightvision cam to work (yet?), and not sure one or both of the cams will work this way. Still! @DeliaTS coming home 🙂 16:03:43
  • I hate the angle of this spycam on me. And I feel it watching me, like the pressure of a thousand eyes on my brow. 🙁 17:44:28
  • There are a lot of amorous couples in the grocery store tonight, Thanksgiving eve. It's very romantic. 20:03:50
  • So anyway. Humans with any kind of stimulating life contradict themselves a lot. I guess it's just a thing! 22:35:37
  • Mmmmmm … just got off so hard with @DeliaTS – her cock in my pussy & finger in my ass. 23:49:12

My Life Yesterday

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  • Are there any phones where the front-facing camera is the awesomer / high res / great function / primary one? 10:28:14
  • My face is broken out after getting a huge load of young cum emptied onto it. 12:32:36
  • Why do I have the spins today? Is it just from smoking too much pot last night? Do I have a brain tumor? Did sum cum get in my inner ear? 13:16:12
  • I am really surprised at myself how much I like sexting with Taurus' girlfriend. I'm not big on sexting / find it very ineffecient. But SHE! 14:44:27
  • RT @wkamaubell: Dear Police,

    If you try to murder me, I reserve the right to go into "demon" mode.


    A Black Guy Regularly Descri… 14:57:37

  • RT @OnePerfectShot: EROICA (1958) Director of Photography: Jerzy Wójcik | Director: Andrzej Munk 15:03:30
  • Must stop masturbating. Must be productive. Must put on pants. Must enter world. Must stop fondling knuckles through black leather. 15:04:15
  • @Kaibutsu LMAO – for real! in reply to Kaibutsu 15:07:39
  • About to go run errands wearing RIDICULOUSLY wet panties. 15:12:58
  • Spent quality time with car when it wouldn't start. Then it did. Feeling content with uncertainty today. 16:23:32
  • Fucking HELL. And now one of my cabin cams dies? Fuuuuuuck I can't keep up with this bullshit 18:04:09
  • A boatload of appreciative hugs & head-nods to @BellaVendetta for this: PORN IS *NOT* ALL THE SAME! in reply to BellaVendetta 22:11:40
  • Took me forever to figure out what he needed to hear: I still love you. I don't want to NOT love you. I'll never think loving you a waste. 22:18:54
  • RT @swopusa: #injustice is calling #sexwork #rape while supporting 'rescue' that starts with men handcuffing half-naked women mid sex act. 22:35:49
  • RT @ChristopOConnor: A riot/property damage has never fixed anything. Except for the Boston Tea Party. Or the Bastille. Or Stonewall. Or th… 22:36:08

My Life Yesterday

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  • After days of agonizing & complicating things, I finally remember:
  • (as scabby sores on my scalp throb because I've been obsessively & compulsively picking at them) 02:38:06
  • I finally realized it when examining how bizarrely I'm catastrophizing & imagining people hate me & that I'm much much worse than I am … 02:40:58
  • … & swinging to weird optimism & vanity, exaggerated emotions, not perceiving reality & distinguishing between what's important & not. 02:43:26
  • It's actually super helpful & clarifying & a relief to … idk maybe not. I'm embarrassed & worried about my brain. 03:02:30
  • Fucking hell. I do not want to have to be on medication all the time. 03:06:58
  • RT @enbrown: Queens women arrested for prostitution so they can be saved from imaginary traffickers, forced to take yoga classes – http://t… 13:21:13
  • RT @TrancewithMe: You are under NO moral obligation to follow an unjust law, and I would argue that one's moral obligation is to flout unju… 13:21:35
  • RT @drgoddess: Basically… “@Bipartisanism: #Ferguson” 14:24:16
  • So. Fucking. EXCITED – bearded 6'3" 23 year-old on his way over. I'm supposed to make porn but I just want to FUCK HIM RIGHT AWAY, no cams. 17:01:00
  • RT @BiIIMurray: Weird is just a side effect of being awesome. 17:01:10
  • @StonedEye hoping it will be more than *one* fuck this evening … 😉 in reply to StonedEye 17:16:21
  • And then Taurus makes my phones ring & my hands break into a sweat & heart starts pounding. #BadTiming 17:23:08
  • He's fully aware that that's the *plan*, @Do2U2one – but poor guy . . . don't want him to be all nervous the very first time. 😉 in reply to Do2U2one 17:23:56
  • I can't even listen to the voicemail; it will throw me off my game so bad. 17:24:54
  • 23:18:37

My Life Yesterday

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  • Pretty much spent all night falling in love with Taurus' girlfriend via text. Including coming in my FIRST SEXTING MASTURBATION SESSION ever 00:41:49
  • Just when I think this polyamory shit is counterproductive delusional nonsense IT SWALLOWS ME WHOLE IN A GAPING MAW OF LOVE & POSSIBILITIES. 00:44:24
  • I had a bad & embarrassing dream that I was too skinny: so much so that my doctor viewed it as intervention time. 08:45:26
  • FYI: I've never had a nightmare or bad dream that I got too fat. 08:46:32
  • I know what I really need to do right now is eat. But food sounds disgusting. When my appetite goes, it gets downright spooky. ::sigh:: 12:13:08
  • @Blanknewt2 Congrats! That's awesome; I'm a big fan of omegas. I actually don't need to lose more weight & am struggling to eat ENOUGH now. in reply to Blanknewt2 13:02:08
  • @Blanknewt2 That sounds so painful & challenging. Makes me look on bright sides more of how I (unintentionally) lost more weight recently. in reply to Blanknewt2 13:04:26
  • I'm rarely able to listen to podcasts, but thanks for the rec @savorbrahms@SexNerdSandra sounds interesting! in reply to savorbrahms 13:05:20
  • THANK YOU, @trubluedave ! {{{{hugs}}}} in reply to trubluedave 13:05:43
  • Thank you SO MUCH for the call yesterday, @BOBCATGIRL ! You set off a chain reaction of women masturbating due to phone interaction w/me. 🙂 in reply to BOBCATGIRL 14:12:09
  • Someone new who's been chatting me up for over a year (or 2?) is coming over tomorrow. He's 23. I think he'll be an adorable ham on camera. 14:52:44
  • This is the first time in a long time I've been truly excited to meet & play with a new guy and looking forward to it happening ASAP. 14:54:13
  • IDK, @StonedEye – we might be downstairs on cam &/or in cabin, but if there's cam pressure on him I'm gonna have it be making real content. in reply to StonedEye 14:57:40
  • I've definitely been needing a lot of time to recover from a decade+ of 24/7 lifecams, @StonedEye & want to integrate it back healthily. in reply to StonedEye 14:58:35
  • Thank you, @StonedEye – that's awesome & I appreciate your continued no-pressure interest in & apprecation of seeing us on our voyeurcams! in reply to StonedEye 15:11:57
  • RT @SabrinaSwings: Can New Relationship Energy Happily Co-Exist with Established Relationship Energy? 17:02:28
  • Right now I'm thrilled to 1) be hungry 2) not feel like eating will make me puke 3) have delicious brie & turkey & prosciutto sandwich! 18:11:24

My Life Yesterday

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  • Probably a bad idea to write & send ridiculously pathetic melodramatic break-up closure emails after 4 am, but fuck it. I have no dignity. 05:37:29
  • I feel withdrawn / don't want to be touched, @BOBCATGIRL BUT if you want to be lazy dark moon watch tv company in bed, that'd be awesome! in reply to BOBCATGIRL 12:44:28
  • HALF PRICE SPECIAL on @AmberLily's private shows … just for 20 more minutes so catch her now: RARE EARLY TIME SLOT! 15:59:06
  • When the girlfriend of the boyfriend you should stop seeing texts you the most amazing loving forgiving caring words & you burst into tears. 19:38:32

My Life Yesterday

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  • Trying to get @DeliaTS to wake up & give me head. 08:31:42
  • It's fucking amazing how much better life & the world looks & feels after sex. SO IMPORTANT, THE FUCKING FOR ME. 11:09:32
  • RT @tbookquotes: Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people wh… 17:48:12
  • RT @DeliaTS: It's been while but I'm going to be on cam for a few hours tonight! 19:51:15
  • Taking a bath. It's the first time I've used our upstairs tub/shower the whole time we've lived here (3+ years?) 20:27:10
  • RT @AlexEKimball: In my interviews with sex workers, whenever I ask, "what's the biggest danger of your job?" they have all said "cops". 21:00:47

My Life Yesterday

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  • A beautiful surprise sculpted by a local fan in a handmade box. #treasure 14:46:40
  • I should not have let that flirtation with older man just drop. Men from that generation flirt with their whole bodies & timbre of voice YUM 14:49:44

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