• Pretty much spent all night falling in love with Taurus' girlfriend via text. Including coming in my FIRST SEXTING MASTURBATION SESSION ever 00:41:49
  • Just when I think this polyamory shit is counterproductive delusional nonsense IT SWALLOWS ME WHOLE IN A GAPING MAW OF LOVE & POSSIBILITIES. 00:44:24
  • I had a bad & embarrassing dream that I was too skinny: so much so that my doctor viewed it as intervention time. 08:45:26
  • FYI: I've never had a nightmare or bad dream that I got too fat. 08:46:32
  • I know what I really need to do right now is eat. But food sounds disgusting. When my appetite goes, it gets downright spooky. ::sigh:: 12:13:08
  • @Blanknewt2 Congrats! That's awesome; I'm a big fan of omegas. I actually don't need to lose more weight & am struggling to eat ENOUGH now. in reply to Blanknewt2 13:02:08
  • @Blanknewt2 That sounds so painful & challenging. Makes me look on bright sides more of how I (unintentionally) lost more weight recently. in reply to Blanknewt2 13:04:26
  • I'm rarely able to listen to podcasts, but thanks for the rec @savorbrahms@SexNerdSandra sounds interesting! in reply to savorbrahms 13:05:20
  • THANK YOU, @trubluedave ! {{{{hugs}}}} in reply to trubluedave 13:05:43
  • Thank you SO MUCH for the call yesterday, @BOBCATGIRL ! You set off a chain reaction of women masturbating due to phone interaction w/me. 🙂 in reply to BOBCATGIRL 14:12:09
  • Someone new who's been chatting me up for over a year (or 2?) is coming over tomorrow. He's 23. I think he'll be an adorable ham on camera. 14:52:44
  • This is the first time in a long time I've been truly excited to meet & play with a new guy and looking forward to it happening ASAP. 14:54:13
  • IDK, @StonedEye – we might be downstairs on cam &/or in cabin, but if there's cam pressure on him I'm gonna have it be making real content. in reply to StonedEye 14:57:40
  • I've definitely been needing a lot of time to recover from a decade+ of 24/7 lifecams, @StonedEye & want to integrate it back healthily. in reply to StonedEye 14:58:35
  • Thank you, @StonedEye – that's awesome & I appreciate your continued no-pressure interest in & apprecation of seeing us on our voyeurcams! in reply to StonedEye 15:11:57
  • RT @SabrinaSwings: Can New Relationship Energy Happily Co-Exist with Established Relationship Energy? http://t.co/BurzsqDjUW 17:02:28
  • Right now I'm thrilled to 1) be hungry 2) not feel like eating will make me puke 3) have delicious brie & turkey & prosciutto sandwich! 18:11:24