My Life Yesterday

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  • My period is late. 13:25:14
  • I need more nice sweatpants and leggings.

    No, I do NOT think that's a contradiction in terms. Sorry, @TimGunn13:28:12

  • Random image grid of nature & nudity: I like the pictures that show up when searching for tastytrixie + frog: 17:38:18
  • I totally should've posted a screen cap with that. I love indoor outdoor hard+softcore night day food etc. allatonce. 18:01:23
  • @elleciaw No shit?! & here I thought because I hadn't been talking to you enough that my uterus became unregulated; I almost checked in w/u. in reply to elleciaw 18:31:22
  • RT @LifeLimits: Comparison is the thief of joy. 18:40:17
  • I put some money in the bank (mostly into other people's accounts) and had a really good chocolate chip cookie and did laundry today. 20:32:07
  • And masturbated.

    The cookie & the orgasms are tied for . . . nevermind. No, they're not. There's no tie. Orgasms FTW. 20:33:01

  • RT @DeliaTS: Back at it for a few hours tonight on –> 21:56:57

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • (I accidentally left myself logged into @DeliaTS computer – that last tweet was from her πŸ˜‰ 01:37:04

My Life Yesterday

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  • I wonder why I keep dreaming about amphibians. This time it was a rusty salamander. 08:58:42
  • Made the long trek home in time for a fantastic poop. Now going to get high & eat sour gummy worms & diet coke while I read in the tub. 15:02:51
  • Ha @chrisorourke – I didn't actually get high, didn't actually read … and only ate a few gummy worms. But yes – it's a grand idea! πŸ™‚ in reply to chrisorourke 15:33:52
  • Werkin' it for a few hours tonight on cam πŸ˜‰ – 18:22:42

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Just woke from dream carrying lovely frog around, quickly drying out, trying to keep her hydrated. 09:11:22
  • "Maybe I couldn't figure out that we were made up."

    When I look at what I put down ~a year ago (?), I don't even know what it meant. 20:44:00

  • Reading about / looking at #JoePark #art while @DeliaTS makes dinner: 21:27:41

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