My Life Yesterday

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  • It's almost scary, how much I love having the house to myself all night. #masturbating #stretching #listeningtomusic #fantasizing 01:57:44
  • I do not want to be an administrator. Must get rich somehow to pay other people to do annoying creativity-destroying hand-holding bullshit. 12:24:20
  • Oh yeah … we actually DO pay people to do this stuff. They just don't do it right. 12:26:14
  • RT @dailyzen: “You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” —Cormac McCarthy 13:05:41
  • RT @MrMeeds: "what would MLK say?" Well, you bastards killed him. So I honestly don't know what he'd say if he saw all of this. 14:19:33
  • & ya: not just a black/white issue. In WA state it's feds disappearing POC chased down on tribal land, cops killing Native Americans, etc. 14:25:07
  • Note: not saying that to diminish unique continued impact of slavery, which you have to be insane & ignorant to imagine is allllll in past. 14:29:43
  • Racism is alive, with continued devastating consequences. Deny it? You're crazy. Resent it being pointed out? You're being a piece of shit. 14:33:54
  • Must confess: I'm one of the freaks who'll do a master/slave role play & call you "the N word" if you ask. And I love rapey cop role plays. 14:39:03
  • I get off hard on politically incorrect shit, but I also fervently believe our country owes black people and indigenous people reparations. 14:43:17
  • Need help connecting the dots? One of many aids: The Case for Reparations 14:47:53
  • I think I'm more old-fashioned than most people in their forties now. My dad was born in 1932 grandpa & in 1916. And I spent *time* w/them. 14:56:05
  • RT @DeliaTS: Logging to cam for a few hours. Join me for some hump day fun! -> 15:14:59
  • I can't believe how many people big porn corps have working for them, and how fucking lazy and incompetent most of them are. #ifIhad2%ofUr$ 16:46:22
  • Pssst, self: stop bitching, Trixie, and get rich enough to divorce the bastards. Fuck the mainstream EVERYTHING. Fuck their cookie cutters. 16:51:11
  • In these trying times I console myself as a white person with high-limit credit cards that getting rich has nothing to do with deserving it. 17:08:49
  • You don't have to DESERVE to be rich … you just have to take your privilege, convert it into insane hyperconfident entitled ego & GO 4 IT! 17:10:45
  • See?!? #AdviceFromCrooks #MoralityIsBullshit #CapitalismFTW Gonna masturbate to Wolf of Wall St, then attack GOALZ!! 17:19:03
  • (hopeful nobody took most recent tweets too literally) 20:02:56
  • There are a couple of women in town, especially an older one, I want to get closer to. The more compatible, the more scared I am though. 20:07:18
  • Afraid of my social limitations hurting women. In ways I'm just not as worried about w/men. Even more: I'm afraid of rejection from women. 20:10:43
  • RT @JosephScrimshaw: When the front page of CNN looks like a promo poster for a crappy action movie your country has many problems. http://… 20:33:30
  • But seriously, if you're looking at CNN at all there's maybe something wrong with YOU. #NotFuckingNews #brainwashed #betteroffjerkingtotubes 21:38:22
  • Just off the phone with my wife, @DeliaTS. I could totally use about 20 minutes of quiet cuddling right now. Time alone is great, but yeah. 22:59:03
  • I feel as though @DunklesUnkraut just challenged me to a duel I'm POSITIVE I would win. TOUCH!! But at sword's length/sans trad'l intimacy. in reply to DunklesUnkraut 23:02:23
  • RT @AmberLily: I'm #LiveOnStreamate running my Bribes For 5's Deal. Too awake to sleep? You should stop by: http://… 23:09:32
  • Have been thinking a lot about how to design manageable & meaningful experiences that meet my social, spiritual & intellectual needs/limits. 23:45:13
  • My whole life, the best ones usually come back to unusual ways of engaging & interacting with strangers on the street. #FreeFootWashing 23:47:06

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • RT @seedcake: Everybody knows that the inventor of the wheel starved. They said to her: how does a horse wear this thing? 00:17:46
  • Having the best time alone all day & all night… and at the same time missing @DeliaTS SO MUCH! I feel happy, like I just can't get enough. 03:04:51
  • The longer it's been since my ritalin wore off, the more manic I get. 03:07 Might need to take more meth to go to sleep. #paradoxeffect 03:09:08
  • (don't worry; ritalin = meth … the dose I take is super duper low, too & pretty rare I use it, & definitely best when I'm alone) 03:17:39
  • OMFG I love self-suck videos so fucking much. Also seeing @AmberLily suck a big fat cock & tease it with her tongue, making him moan. 03:37:11
  • Hmmmmm . . . almost 4 . . . continue to enjoy my natural high / to masturbate compulsively or should I find a sleep aid? 03:57:35
  • The real truth: I love having the night to myself so much that I haven't gotten my fill of it yet. I wish the sun were farther away RN. 04:06:28
  • #hilarious makes one of my fave songs of last year even better: Falling Out via @YouTube #lego #lovetohateyou 04:12:12
  • *Favorite songs LAST YEAR, not OF last year. I meant it's an older song I just happened to listen to a lot last year. #grammarpolice in reply to tastytrixie 04:40:44
  • 4th meal!! Errrrr … Breakfast!!! Errrrr … those orgasms felt SO FUCKING GOOD celebration buffet!!! 05:40:41
  • Being happily slutty sometimes means having unhappily hard conversations. Among having other hard things. Blargh. 12:27:32
  • A good overview of the 8 Minutes example of how sex workers are exploited by supposed rescuers & the media. 12:51:43
  • I have some problems w/this piece, but still: 12:54:15
  • Who knows? Maybe leprosy is the solution to all of my problems. 13:10:01
  • Hahahahahahaha AWESOME. Sickening happiness in spite of some stressors challenged by car not starting with very bouncy bumpy attempts. 15:05:45
  • RT @DeliaTS: Logging to cam for a few hours. Join me for a little afternoon delight -> 15:06:04
  • Tried to alleviate stress with a couple of orgasms. Felt great, but I'm not "relieved". I feel like punching things with my imaginary dick. 15:52:56
  • Don't like it when stressful things happen, but I love getting confirmation through those things that people I like are quality individuals. 20:46:40
  • Speaking of quality individuals, my wife @DeliaTS is showing her hot body off again LIVE on cam for you: 20:47:47
  • Nobody available here, but I totally want to cuddle & watch Star Trek. Fortunately, I totally want to enjoy the whole night alone even more. 21:24:21
  • My repeated & contradictory use of the word "totally" should help temper that, @JohnnieMonkey 😉 in reply to JohnnieMonkey 21:38:15
  • My wife @DeliaTS is awesome. I want to buy her a transam & drive to a special place where she bends me over the hood & eats my ass for days. 22:01:36
  • Mostly TNG & DS9, @amazing_garrett … but there are things I love about the others, too. in reply to amazing_garrett 23:22:19
  • Moon over lilacs in our backyard. 23:30:57

My Life Yesterday

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  • Remember today/this week/always: 'Tain't What You Do (It's The Way That You Do It) – Ella Fitzgerald via @YouTube 08:09:42
  • RT @RandomGuppy: What could be more PATRIARCHAL than trying to abolish an industry where women generally earn more than men?? #FacesOfProst09:25:04
  • I just want to jump into all of the pretty eyes staring out of all the different reaching people. Stare stare stare JUMP kiss hug smile. 12:52:41
  • There's a man in a quiet green space in our yard working on @DeliaTS truck. If he weren't married I'd be kissing his bellybutton right now. 12:56:51
  • My reward at the end of the week will be spending quality time with @seedcake's timeline. #TwinPeaks #neighbors 16:30:07

My Life Yesterday

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  • Squeeeee!!!!! And now young man with deep voice promising he'll recite parts of Song of Myself especially for me/Mommy … while exposed!! 00:14:17
  • This spring fever at 42 is so full of charm, sensual splendor & the promise of my heart being torn on the disarming snags of boys' smiles. 00:20:30
  • Comfortable happy like this. 18:33:39

My Life Yesterday

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My Life Yesterday

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  • Ohhhhhhhh, be quiet, you chest-organ you. 10:07:15
  • Depression alleviated by long phone funny convo w/AB3. 1 of the only people to be mutually content w/laying in bed listening to sad music. 21:43:57
  • Having lots of supposedly meaningful life stuff in common, or not, has so little to do with whether or not we like listening to each other. 22:18:12

My Life Yesterday

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  • Fucking so hard, so fucking sweaty, telling him what a good boy he is. Him fucking me so diligently, repeating "yes ma'am". #SouthernBoys 01:11:41
  • I **LOVE** when someone can't keep their hands off me all night long, all morning. So cock & pussy hungry, & forked tongue working my ass. 09:41:12
  • I do so much better at life when I list to-dos & set intentions (& get myself excited about them) the night BEFORE (not the morning of). 19:59:21
  • I don't want to be anything but alone tonight, but I feel lonely in a semi-sad way. Guessing because embarrassed by my many social faux pas. 23:09:21

My Life Yesterday

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  • I must remember what they REALLY want: no, mommy! I don't want money… I just want you to fuck my ass & teach me how to suck big dicks pls! 00:05:46
  • Honestly? Sometimes I actually want to pay guys to NOT eat my pussy. Can we fuck please? I prefer to come squirming around on the dick. 00:10:29
  • But yeah …I do understand why that's not nice. I'd be heartbroken & so disappointed if someone paid me specifically to NOT give them head. 00:12:00
  • The thing of it is I'm comforted by having armpit hair & beautiful dead old vehicles around our house. Rust, tangy sweat & oil. #home 11:20:31
  • Would rock 'n roll as we know it even exist if it were acceptable for white guys to get into more circle jerks wearing panties & eyeliner? 11:25:51
  • This girl has a very special #barelylegal #awkward charm: 11:54:41
  • My wife @DeliaTS said she wants me to go on my dinner date with a guy tonight wearing her cum on my face. 12:13:46
  • Because she loves #BuckminsterFuller, @DeliaTS got this lovely _Poet of Geometry_ book. 12:34:28
  • {{{hugs}}} @GOtrixieracerGO – thanks for your comments/love! And I have a post drafted about condom-prep inspired by 13:52:33

My Life Yesterday

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  • Not that I believe in astrology, but this is definitely true of me. 11:32:05
  • I mean, I *totally* don't believe in astrology! But this is super true of me, too. 11:33:16
  • It being #420 and all, I feel guilty I haven't developed my epic stoner domain that I've been sitting on for years. 11:34:47
  • We (@DeliaTS & I) were basically monogamous for ~9 years (reference: so when people ask for poly insights … IDK. 11:48:40
  • RT @DeliaTS: Agonizing over inappropriateness of younger men I'm exploiting paying for dinner/drinks. How to insist they let me pay for us … 20:46:37
  • RT @DeliaTS: Ooops … sorry. This is @tastytrixie – didn't realize my wife's logged in on this machine. Note: boys should ALWAYS pay my ho… 20:46:43
  • My life is motherfucking awesome. It just is. Offensively awesome. 21:24:51
  • Trying to compensate people who are not sex workers for sexual access & their time feels, bizarrely (to me), DEvaluing to them. #confusing 23:21:53
  • Will I ever just *accept* that my feelings & thoughts re: sex & money & love & work & friends are atypical in ways that boggle normal minds? 23:34:13

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