- It's some kind of a romantic turn-on to me that people often have to take a boat to come over and fuck me. It's old-fashioned journeying. 00:21:49
- Sweet Jesus … @DeliaTS & I woke up to fuck some more after we went to sleep. #threegasm #fourgasm #simultaneousorgasms #marriedsex #SoGood 09:27:18
- Felt like such a cougar staring into boyish eyes of bagger at store as he explained difference between a "helper clerk" & "courtesy clerk". 10:37:55
- There are certain things about that kid I find absolutely irresistible. Mussy dark waves, alive behind blue eyes, age-defiant aura, etc. 10:40:35
- Gonna try to shoot deliats here. Light will be tricky. Won't be perfect … but nothing ever is? https://t.co/2nmutNmXTa 11:37:57
- Hope I remember how to get here…
#magicplaces #idontusegps #orienteering #boycottGPS #getlost… https://t.co/PoDdjjc3ac 11:50:25 - I completely agree! "@akagi68: you are lucky trixie you have the sexiest wife in the world 👍" @DeliaTS 12:18:29
- Rolling eyes at stupid @instagram redesign. "Getting on board with circular profile pics" etc = lame thing to herald. http://t.co/PeHuSkSVe1 13:51:41
- Homogenization, inefficient navigation, redundancy … responsive funnel-sizing forcing mass amounts of content down any sized throat. 13:57:14
- For the next week or so I'm going to try treating everybody the same way I try to & trust I'll be treated at my favorite xx-???? meeting. 22:01:06
- Interesting. The same day my wife leaves (me to fend for myself) for over a week, our electric kettle AND the entire stove stop working. 22:36:21
- The stove is gas, and I tried the kettle in different outlets AND other things work in the outlets I tried, @I_am_Cliff. It's very strange. in reply to I_am_Cliff 23:03:48
My Life Yesterday
June 11, 2015
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment