• I love @Dreamboard! So therapeutic for me today upon waking from nightmares. 13:24:03
  • Having nightmares & now crying & super anxious feeling like our home is being invaded & my privacy & sanctuary destroyed for summer. 16:28:14
  • @frankenstein007 It's totes straightforward; $ probs, overwhelm & landlord's niece is staying pretty much in our backyard for the summer. 🙁 in reply to frankenstein007 16:33:12
  • Every time (since childhood) I ask for, claimed or carved out solitude & tools to concentrate & be healthy, been punished &/or taken away. 16:35:12
  • @frankenstein007 There's definitely that compulsive opposing curiosity/temptation, but really bad idea for everybody. I can't even go there. in reply to frankenstein007 16:36:48
  • RT @mistressmatisse: If you want to help people who've only turned to sexwork in crisis and want to stop, then they need jobs, affordable h… 16:37:48