- Good tea. Hot tea. Strong tea. Sweet tea. Creamy tea. Tea alone in cabin loft with a funny book about teachers. It was 11:11 2 minutes ago. 11:13:22
- #boobs #belly #blurry #selfie #naked #inbed #alone http://t.co/ej7p89DoTU 11:15:44
- New rule: before I masturbate to the tubes I have to first post something on them to increase traffic/sales. Each time. #AnAdForEveryOrgasm 13:08:49
- Hate that it's true, but almost every time you see a woman's name on a transaction, it's TROUBLE. #refunds #chargebacks #bullshit #women 13:12:51
- Definitely naughty hubby accounts for a lot of it, @juliastockings … but not all, & still not OK / shouldn't invalidate the purchase. in reply to juliastockings 13:18:11
- In the case I'm looking at today, @rexwhamming I think it's because it's a feminist activist cunt traitor. in reply to rexwhamming 13:19:47
- But maybe I'm just paranoid & resentful. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
#Stillafeminist but a lot of #feministsarefuckingassholes sometimes. 13:22:04
- It's BOTH, @rexwhamming … you marry a fucker & he buys something he's not supposed to, you don't make the person he bought it from pay. in reply to rexwhamming 15:00:04
- For sure, @rexwhamming … but (& this is awesome, not criticizing it at all) they show their support in other ways / not so often via $$. in reply to rexwhamming 15:01:57
- How many husbands try to weasel out of paying when their wives use their credit cards for unapproved unbudgeted unnecessary items? 15:05:09
- @rexwhamming more than the maleness of him, it's the whoriness of people like me & that what we sell is not viewed as legit. in reply to rexwhamming 15:14:10
- Please recommend: great books written by / authors who are CURRENTLY younger than thirty years old. 🙂 #youngwriters #underthirty #under30 15:15:59
- RT @cmbrookins: Insomnia. Yeah, that's it! Sort of… http://t.co/aaKP9vOgLh 22:27:44
- My spiritual advisor just told me an awesome joke about fucking chickens. 23:03:46
My Life Yesterday
July 16, 2015
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