- RT @auntysarah: Call for trans women participants – UK study on inclusivity in feminist spaces. https://t.co/X52ly9wTeV 09:11:45
- RT @belledejour_uk: Hey, if you'd bought my book in 2012 you'd be au fait w/ sex work decrim and "female viagra" already. Not too late! htt… 09:18:12
- So looking forward to my wife @DeliaTS coming home! We're doing something special this weekend… and going to have some special fucking! 😉 10:30:20
- Hey @DeliaTS … would it be too hard for you to bring your bass & amp home w/you?
Just What I Needed https://t.co/8X2czPz4WH 11:29:41
- Needed it put together for me that #ToshiReagon is Sweet Honey's Bernice's kid. #duh #heartbreakhotel https://t.co/a18uaepdUr #solonesome 11:37:15
- Freedom for a woman is growing into your ugliness and STILL having something good to sell. #apingmasculinity #midlifeblossoms #apingfemme 11:57:52
- What makes me orgasm fast: the sound and crescendo of urgency of somebody agonizingly close to coming themselves. 12:28:46
- RT @BloodyTrixie: Fuuuuuuck. End of my period always feels like I need to come and come and come and come. It's such a frustrating feeling. 13:08:29
- Thinking about @roxxiecyber / missing her web presence. If you're in #SF, there may be a window to session with her: http://t.co/4thr8tvUAK 13:15:22
- Being outside the boundaries of what's described as "normal" in #sexed or any #health stuff doesn't necessarily mean unhealthy or #sick. 13:19:15
- Anyone know if @VerifiedCall works for folks in the UK / Europe / outside of the states / N. America? 14:12:19
- @ridgiedidge @VerifiedCall sounds frustrating! So often seems like there are issues connecting via phone with better-educated countries. :\ in reply to ridgiedidge 15:29:44
- Thinking about the difference, if there is one, between respect and fear. Or how fearful respect is a perversion of loving respect? 18:06:55
- Want to get to know my wife's work better? Check @tscaramel's sweet descriptive coverage of @DeliaTS here: http://t.co/JoiMJMiAEw 🙂 18:37:14
- I love being researched & having my mind read. I do. But I also love people pursuing what THEY want with me & bravely talking about wants. 19:03:15
- How the FUCK these shitholes think they can dehumanize & violate our privacy like this. IDK. #crazy https://t.co/9oV1UNJLXr 23:04:03
- You have NO RIGHT to mandate I use condoms w/my wife or to see our private medical records, @AIDSHealthcare Grrr: http://t.co/QJDlxy6h4e 23:15:39
- FUCK YOU, @AIDSHealthcare – try HELPING people, not invading privacy & taking away negotiating terms of my consent. https://t.co/osuNPjhb3X 23:18:58
- Let everybody else be diplomatic & say antis hearts are in the right places. State has no VOTE on what kind of sex I have or right to snoop. 23:21:06
- Advocate for better sex ed, media literacy, minority rights & universal healthcare. DO NOT EVER REGULATE CONSENSUAL SEX. Never fucking ever! 23:28:01
- I get to decide what risks I am comfortable taking with sex, whether in exchange for money or some exhausting "healthy" relationship BS. 23:38:39
My Life Yesterday
August 21, 2015
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment